XVI: Fiery

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*Nadia's P.O.V.*

"I need to speak to the King," I said as I approached one of my guards who were stationed at the entrance of the Kings library.

"The King is busy," he stated bluntly.

I raised an eyebrow, "Busy with what, exactly?"

He shrugged, his face as emotionless as ever, "Not at liberty to say."

"I'm not in the mood for games. Is he in there, at least?" I asked, gesturing to the door behind him. He nodded. "With who?"

"King Antisepticeye."

"Antisepticeye? Great, he'll do. Get him for me."

"He and the King are in a rather heated argument right now."

"Go. Get. Him."

"Yes, Captain." I tapped my foot impatiently as the guard disappeared behind the large doors. Maybe a minute later the Virus emerged, almost crashing into me. We stared at each other for moment, a stunned silence surrounding us. It took me a minute before I could finally speak; I stood taller.

"Your Majesty, let's not beat around the bush, shall we? I know it was you."

Anti nonchalantly leaned on a nearby pillar. "Know it was me? When? Where? At the whorehouse? Probably. I'm a regular there."

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. "Courtesans are upper-class women and it's a wealthy profession, but no. The attack on the castle during the Blood Sky ball. I know It was you."

He let out an over dramatic sigh. "Alright, who told you? King Douchebag One or King Douchebag Two?"

"Neither." I smirked. "I wasn't even really sure my theory was true until you confirmed for me, so thanks for that. I just had an inkling."

"Okay. . . So why aren't you arresting me, Red? You know, reading me my rights and all that?"

"I'd need a lot more proof than a spoken admission that you can't recant at any time. And I think you were just the puppet."

Anti scoffs. "I'm offended, Red. Really. Antisepticeye is not a puppet, Okay? He's the puppet master."

I blinked a few times and raised eyebrows, my mouth slightly ajar. "Ignoring the fact that you referred to yourself as the 'puppet master', I need you to tell me who had you storm the castle."

Anti pushed himself off the pillar and began to walk down the hallway. "No can do." I watched him walk away with what I'm sure was stupid look on my face before catching up with him.

"I don't-I don't understand, I'm giving you an out."

"Not used to getting what you want, Red?" He asked.

"No, actually, I am not. And my name's not 'Red', It's Nadia or Captain Rose to you."

"Should call you 'Fiery'. It suits you." So we continued to trot down the hallway in a somewhat comfortable, somewhat unbearable silence. Okay, the silence was too unbearable.

"Was it a knight? One of my knights?"

Anti scoffed. "Please. Those knights of yours are like puppy dogs. They're loyal. I couldn't turn them even if I tried."

"Okay. . . A Duke? An Archduke? A Count or an Earl? Or maybe A Viscount or a Lord or a Lady or a Baroness or-"

He slowed to a stop then turned to look at me. "See, now you're just grasping at straws."

I groaned and outstretched my arms, my hands were this close to wrapping themselves around his neck, but I willed myself to ball them into fists and placed them firmly on my hips.

"I could arrest you," I bluffed. "Have you spend a few months up in a tower, one that's enchanted with holy water so you couldn't escape, of course, one meal a week, maybe one meal every two weeks. How would you feel about that?"

Anti leaned in closely. "You don't scare me, Red. So you can lock me up in the tallest tower you have, the deepest dungeon you can find. You can torture me till I'm nothing but an unrecognisable pile of nothing."

"Don't tempt me."

"I won't talk. Demons are a lot of things, but snitches ain't one one 'em. Not unless there's a damn good reason."

"And helping me find out who's responsible for the attack isn't a 'damn good reason?'" Anti straightened up.

"Rose," he murmured to himself. "Not as in the noble house Rose of Leca, are you?"

I bristled. "I don't see how that's relevant. And anyway, don't you know the answer already? Seeing as Leca is your country, after all."

"Can't except me to know every member of every house, Red. Especially the human ones. I'd give myself a migraine." Anti moves closer. "And what's a noble lady like you doing leading an army that's not even of your own country?" I leaned back, suddenly feeling threatened. How much did he know, if he new anything at all?

"I don't... have to explain myself to you." Despite feeling incredibly flustered I forced myself to look into glowing green eyes.

"What? Don't like people digging into your past, Red?"

"I don't like you digging into my past, Virus." He steps closer, and at this point I'm backed up against a wall.

Anti proceeded to look me up and down, like a predator eyeing its prey. I know that look all too well. I crossed my arms. "Do I scare you, Red?"

"Please, I've been through too much to be afraid of the likes of you." That was true, mostly. Some part of me was terrified with him standing so close. "Now, back up. Don't make me punch you. Again."

Anti backed up, an impressed look in his eye.

"What we're we talking about?"

I sighed. "You're involvement in the assassination attempt on the castle two weeks ago. You know, the one that killed Queen Isa and Princess Lucia and almost killed Adelaide? How are you still alive, by the way? I figured Darkiplier would've had you drawn and quartered by now for endangering the life of his future bride."

"Please. Dark and I have known each other for too long and have betrayed each other too many times to get wound up over a girl. And, in any case, the man you want me to give up, well, he's way above you. And me." He raised an eyebrow before shrugging and walking off in the direction of the great hall. I Stared after him with great confusion.

"So it's a guy?" I yelled. Anti spun around, winked, then spun back around and disappeared behind the great hall doors. I sighed.

Damn Virus.

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