X: Hell Hath No Fury

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Might be writing in 3rd person POV for the next few chapters because, I don't know, I like it? Is that weird? But I might switch it around because I'm indecisive like that, Anyway, moving on.

*3rd person POV*

Before Adelaide could blink, Dark wrapped his fist around Anti's neck and slammed him against the nearest wall.

"What were you thinking?" He boomed. Anti's eyes widened in what could only be described as pure terror, before his face became stone still.

"I don't. . . know what. . .yer talk. . . talkin about," he spat out, Dark's fist crushing his windpipe.

"liar!" Dark roared. He Threw Anti's body into the wall of books on the far side of his of the office. Anti crumpled to the floor.
"Dark!" Adelaide yelled as Dark Stalked closer to Anti, who was just getting back to his feet. Dark stopped and looked over his shoulder; his eyes had no emotion.

"Stay out of this, Girly," Anti warned. He had finally gotten back to his feet and his emerald green aura was starting to emit from his body. Dark's head snapped back to Anti, his black aura already flared.

"You don't get to talk to her! Not after what you did!"

Dark took another step and that's when Adelaide decided to intervene. Quickly skirting around Dark's onyx aura, she planted herself between the two hostile demons and put her hands out towards Dark, looking into his eyes.

"Dark can't we resolve this amicably?" she asked. Dark was still for a moment before taking another step. Adelaide knew she had to stop them before the situation escalated.

"I said stop!" A wave of violet energy washed over Anti's office, lifting both Dark and Anti into the air. Adelaide's fear filled eyes fleeted to Anti's confused ones to Dark's shocked ones. Adelaide swallowed dryly.

For the record, I hate this chapter with a passion. That's why it's so short. I never want to read or see it again.

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