Daario Naharis catch-up

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How you met:

You joined the Second Sons and rise up high into the ranks. One day you caught his eye on the journey to Yunkai.

Favourite thing about you:

Your body. Every. Single. Inch.

Something about you that makes them smile:

When you went into his tent after a battle and you both were splattered with blood and dusty sand. You then bathed together and spent the night with each other.


You call him: lover boy
He calls you: Angry

When they realised they are in love:

When he first saw you kill a man. You didn't flinch away from the blood. Instead you laughed when the man shat himself.

Turn on:

Your mouth.


Passionate and hot. He always cupped your face gently in his hands before wrapping his arms around your waist.

When they caught you staring at them:

They smirked cheekily, silently promising you a long but pleasurable night.

Game of Thrones preferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora