Chapter 25

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I heard a series of screams from inside the building.  I flitted inside and up the stairs to my floor, where I knew the screaming was coming from.  I entered through the open door and it was chaos inside.  I grabbed one of the running humans by the throat.  I let go the grab their arm.  "What's going on?"

"Gray's killing Ian!"  I let the woman go and walked down the hallway to Ian's office as fast I could with all the histerical humans rushing past and bumping into me.

When I reached the door Ian was on the floor beneath Gray who was draining him.  "No," I shouted and was on Gray like white on rice.  I ripped him off Ian and threw him across the room, slamming him into the wall.  I flitted to him and punched him in the throat, in the stomach.  He pulled me into his arms trying to squeeze the air out but I wriggled my way to his throat and drank his blood until he passed out.

I ran back to Ian who was fading fast.  If I didn't do something he was going to die!  I couldn't let Ian go!  I needed him!  He was my friend!  Before I knew what I was doing I bit into my wrist and held the open wound over Ian's open mouth.  Soon he was awake.  He lifted himself to drink my blood and then the pain set in.  He let free of my wrist and slammed his eyes shut in pain as he screamed and arched his back away from the floor.  I touched his face lightly and knelt to whisper in his ear, "Sleep," and he was silenced.

I stumbled my way over to Gray on the other side of the room and pulled him into my arms.  His back was facing me and I let my open and bleedign wrist drip into his parted lips.  I had to get him back to Earth, back to me!  Finally, he woke and he smiled up at me.  His eyes fluttered like a sleepy human's and he gazed up at me with his loving eyes.  I saw in his eyes how much he loved me and I couldn't help crying as I watched him gazing up at me.  "Andy," he said and reached up to lightly touch my cheek, just before I passed out.

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