Chapter 7

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I woke up on the pull-out couch in my office again the next morning. There was a bottle in my hand and Mason's file was in my lap. Ian was sprawled out by my legs on his stomach. His right arm dangled off the edge of the pul- out.

He had his head turned so he was facing me. His cheek was rumpled from his relaxed sleeping state and his lips were all puffy with a funny pout. He didn't snore but he did drool a tiny bit. Though that was probably from sleeping on his face.

I smiled at the young man beside me. Before I had been turned I would have wanted someone like him for a lover. I would have called him my boyfriend and married him and had pretty babies. Now I didn't know if it was anywhere near easy for me to have babies as it would be for a human.

I took this time to take in Ian as much as possible. His hair was longish and he wore it in a way that it never touched his face, except now where it was dishevelled from sleep. His hair gel had bottomed out when he fell asleep.

Ian's face was almost boyish and he kept it baby smooth. I liked that feeling on Grey, though he usually kept a five o'clock shadow. It was sexy on him, though. I'd give him that.

Standing at about six-one, Ian would have been a perfect athlete with his nicely muscled arms and legs. His shirt was was wollered up to his armpits from sleep and I could see his back was generously muscled as well. Maybe he was a farmer. I thought about that for a moment before I decided I needed to investigate this further. Before I knew it I was be-spelling him to turn over. When he did I saw his stomach.

This kid was torn up, not just muscular but covered with scars. Maybe he was really into football and somebody had stepped on him while wearing cleats. Still I needed more investigation. I leaned over him after I finished my second bottle of vodka and worked on slipping his shirt off over his head. I had to work him so his arms were just right but I got it. I didn't take it off any farther for danger of waking him.

When I saw this kids chest I felt my insides stir. There was a large slash scar over his right pectoral muscle and a wide stab scar over the left. Someone had tried to kill this hansom, muscular young man. Probably jealousy. Maybe he accidentally took someone's girl.

Somehow the way Ian's arm connected to his chest caught my eye and I was tugging more of his long sleeved shirt off. I saw the way his arms were carved with muscle and I felt my insides weep. I wanted to be young again so I could have this boy. I was only twenty-four in human years but if you tacked on my six-and-a-half vampire years I was thirty-one-years-old. I suddenly felt old. I didn't know why. My thirty-one years paled in comparison to Marcus, who was a hundred-and-thirty.

I spotted another scar in the crook of Ian's elbow and was working at pulling off his shirt again. I started to tip forward so I readjusted myself. I threw one knee onto the other side of his stomach and hovered over him to pull his shirt up.

I followed the scar along the inner part of his forearm, wondering if it ever ended as I peeled the shirt away from his skin. When I came to the obstacle of his wristwatch I cussed out loud.

"Good morning, Agent Moon," Ian crooned from beneath me.  He was grinning from ear to ear.  I was suddenly very away of the short black pencil skirt that Max had made me change into when he came in yesterday and saw Ian and me were goofing around. He told me from now on I was to dress like a lady of business in the office.  I wanted to hit myself right now for obeying orders like a good little assassin.

"May I ask what you're doing in this position?" Ian's voice was soft with sleep but also came out in a sort of purr or soft growl. I liked it a bit too much.

"Um," I said said slipping on the silken sheets beneath my knees and falling into a crouch over Ian. "I'm sorry."  I started to push myself off him when he gave a very low, stern, "Don't move." For a moment I was worried another Max incident might happen until he grinned and crooned, "Answer my question first."

"Um, . . ." I began awkwardly.  With my face only a few inches from Ian's I didn't have much breathing space. "I was admiring your . . ."

"Body?" His word supply was correct but not fitting.  His eyebrows went up when he asked.

"Features," I corrected. "I was wondering why -- how you ended up looking like that."  I bit my lip with thte question. Although that wasn't the only thing making me bite my lip. To be honest I wanted to kiss Ian so bad i couldn't stand it. He smelled wonderful! His scent was mingled with sleep and the smell of the silky sheets he'd fought with all night. He wasn't a very sound sleeper.

But I could smell the heat coming off his skin and feel it radiating onto mine from our proximity. I could taste his scent.  It was a slow deep scent that you had to breathe in deeply to appreciate.  A deep musk that you simply wanted to rute around in.  The simple scent of his skin made my mouth water. Then the scent of his blood hit me and I was holding my fangs back. I just wanted a taste. Just a tiny sip of his blood. I wanted to hear him groan when my fangs pierced his throat. The sound would drive me crazy I know it!

"Should I be worried that you took the liberty in investigating other parts of my body?" His quiery distracted me of the images I was having of my hands gliding up over his chest. His grin was sly and sexy and I wanted to punch him for the affect it had on me. "I'm sure you could have had a much easier time getting my belt loose." Now I was really embarrassed. My face lightly turned pink around my cheeks and I felt my neck get a bit warmer. I would have been bright red had I still been human.

"No I was following your scars and somehow ended up like this." I wasn't sure if defending myself was the best idea right now or not. "I mean you have a very nice . . .body . . . but your scars made me curious." That was true. I had been following one of them when he woke up and caught me.

"Would you like help with that or can you get it yourself, Miss Moon?" He gazed at me in a way that had me fighting back the urge to bite my lip. I felt my belly get heavy. He smiled as if he knew the affect he had on me.

"Just your watch," I say. Once I've said it I want to smack myself.  I shouldn't be fooling around with my office lacky. I esspecially didn't need to be giving him the wrong idea. He was my new friend. Oh well, I thought. The damage is already done. Might as well enjoy myself. "I can get the rest by myself."

Ian twists one of his hands so he can unbuckle the clasp on his watch. When it's unfastened it falls lifeless onto the mattress of the pull-out. I lean forward and peel the rest of Ian's shirt off as I follow the scar down past his wrist and stops at the base of his thumb. I'm at a loss. What happened to you, I think to myself; horrified. 

"What happened to you?" My voice surfaces on it's own again though this time I don't mind. I have to know or I feel like I'll explode with so many pent up emotions. I feel pitty for the scarred human beneath me. How he endured such pain escapes me. How is he even alive after all that? I feel my eyes grow wide and a look af pitty and awe consumes my forever young features. My lips are lightly parted and my brows arched slightly. I can't imagine what Ian's been through. I can't even begin to try.

"When I was little I got attacked by a pack of wolves. It was partly my fault. Wouldn't have happened if I wasn't running through the woods without an adult in the middle of the night." He looked off to the side and I felt his hands come to hold my hips. His hands were so warm I could feel the heat through my clothes. I wanted to feel that heat pressed against my skin even if he was simply touching my arm. I wanted Ian to touch me even in the simplest way. This wasn't a good idea for a vampire but I couldn't help myself. His very essence was calling out to me.

"What were you doing by yourself?" I finally brought myself to speak. Now I was concerned. What idiot parent would let their kid go out in the woods like that?

""Funny. That's what my mom said. I was chasing my brother," he said. He looked sad now. I didn't understand. I was so lost to his facial expression and the way he refused to look into my eyes. I wanted to grab him and make him look at me. I was not be-spelling him again. I shouldn't have done it the first time.

"What on earth was he thinking!" My voice broke out and surprised me. I couldn't believe how strong my voice was with resentment for the idiot brother that drew Ian to the forest and all its dangers.

"My brother had died two years earlier the same way, Andy. I was chasing his ghost."

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