Chapter 27: Old Friends New Friends

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Chapter 27: Old Friends, New Friends

*Alexa Shiffer*

"Adriana! We need to talk," I announced as I met her coming towards me from the opposite direction.

"Tell me about it," she snarled before pushing past me and storming into the lab.

I stared after her with a confused expression on my face. What could she be angry about? I made my way cautiously to my desk. I had to be careful about what I said around Adriana when she was in this mood. It would only take one little word for her to completely blow up.

I gently placed my books down on my desk, beside Adriana, who had already dumped hers and was sitting there seething, whilst watching me.

There was a general moment of silence between us as we figured out who would speak first. Adriana's jaw continuously clamped and un-clamped along with her fists. I gestured to her to go first. I figured it wouldn't be safe to let her hold it in for any longer. She breathed deeply and opened her mouth-

"Okay class, settle down. Your teacher is off sick today, so you've got me." A tall, thin, middle aged woman with sleek hair tied in a tight bun, and with red-rimmed spectacles was stood at the front of the lab with her arms folded tightly.

There was a collective, silent groan from every pupil in the class which everyone sensed rather than heard. That wicked lady at the front was Ms. Divell, or Ms Devil, as everyone called her; vice principal of the school. She was the definition of strict and with her there was zero tolerance; one word when she was talking and you were out.

Adriana let out an agitated, shaky breath at this order. Her fists balled up again and her jaw clenched. I knew this would be a long lesson for her. She obviously had something she wanted to say to me as much as I had something I wanted to say to her. I, however, had more patience than Adriana. Still, we would both just have to grin and bear it. The sooner the lesson was over, the better. Although, this hour of anger bottled up inside of both of us didn't predict a calm, gentle and reasonable talk after class. It would be loud. I'm thinking that we make our way outside immediately after class...

It's universally known that when you desperately want time to go faster, it goes on and on, and when you want time to go on, it ends so abruptly. This was a perfect example. I couldn't even distract myself by drifting off into my thoughts, in fear of being called on to answer a question. Therefore, the time dragged on, and on, and on.

By the time the end of the lesson came, I had almost forgotten what I had wanted to ask Adriana, because I had been forced to be so occupied and focused on another topic. This, however, was not the case for Adriana. She seemed as ready to spill out her words as she would ever be.

The sound of the bell must have been the sound of heaven to her. She immediately stood up and shoved her books into her bag before standing beside me and folding her arms, silently demanding me to hurry the heck up.

"I'm coming," I muttered as I packed away my books. As soon as I had closed my bag, I was dragged by the arm out of the lab and right onto the corridor before turning right again and exiting the busy hallways. Adriana obviously had the same idea as me. The cool breeze was welcoming to the both of us and also psychologically cooling to our compressed feelings.

We began instinctively making our way to a small secluded area where hardly anyone ever went. We didn't want to draw any unwanted attention to ourselves.

"That witch thinks that she can get away with everything she's doing can't she?" Adriana started out softly but fiercely; the kind of controlled anger that is being very carefully held back. The most dangerous kind of anger. "Well, she doesn't know who she's dealing with."

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