Chapter 26: True Colours

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Chapter 26: True Colours

*Adriana Vlachos*

"Adriana, earphones out during school, you know that," a teacher called out when passing me in the corridor.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, tugging the buds out stubbornly. Music helped me relax and calm down as well as distracting me from my thoughts, which was exactly what I wanted at the moment. Also, my anger management therapist told me that I should listen to music when I got worked up, so I could probably get away with it if I called it a medical thing. I made a mental note to ask my therapist about that the next time I saw her.

The first lesson of the day was math. Oh the joys. The subject wasn't that awful as a whole, the bad part was that the only person I really knew in that class was Natalie. Perfect. I had properly decided that I didn't like her by now; there were too many signs, and I trusted my judgements to be pretty on point by now.

I dropped my bag moodily on to the desk next to Natalie's, where I had somehow ended up sitting at during the past few lessons. Natalie's bag was already there and her pink iPhone was resting on the top of a pile of math textbooks beside it. She must have gone to the bathroom or something.

Sitting down heavily, I pulled my books out of my bag and turned to the page I had gotten to last. Using the quotient rule in differentiation, oh yes, how could I forget. I groaned inwardly and rested my head in my hands.

I was interrupted from my moaning by the loud sound of a message notification from the phone to my left.

"Adriana! Phones off in school," the teacher at the front yelled at me.

"It's not mine!" I argued back, but she had moved on to telling someone else off. I rolled my eyes and glanced at Natalie's phone before returning to my book-and then quickly snapping my eyes back again.

'Message from Jasmine Watton.'

What was she doing talking to Jasmine? I didn't know they were friends. Briefly glancing at the classroom door, I scooped up Natalie's phone and dropped it into my lap, under the desk.

Pretending to be working, I slid the bar at the bottom of the screen and a passcode came up. Great. I tried a few obvious combinations: '1234,' no, "4321,' no, and then '0000,' bingo. So creative Natalie, so creative.

I opened up her messages and read the first line of the text in the preview:

'Did you do what I told you?'

That was all I managed to catch, as I was stopped by a light tap on my shoulder. I instinctively locked the phone and looked up innocently.

"Do you have my phone?" Natalie asked suspiciously.

"Oh, yeah," I stuttered, knowing that she knew I had it and there was no point trying to deny it. I hesitated for a millisecond before putting my amazing talent of coming up with great excuses to use.

"Your phone went off really loudly and I was just trying to see if I could turn the sound off, so that you didn't get into trouble."

"Ah, thanks Adriana!" Natalie beamed before taking her phone back from me, and unlocking it. Her eyes skimmed the screen as she read her message and quickly replied.

My mind was frantically searching for some kind of explanation; what was it that Jasmine had told Natalie to do? And had Natalie done it? I wasn't a fan of only knowing half a story, and I was itching to find out the rest. Something didn't smell right and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

"I, uh, I couldn't help noticing that you had a message on there from Jasmine and I was just wondering if it was about that thing she's been telling everyone."

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