☆Chapter 25☆

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Third Person Point of View

"I know the consequences," Leah begged Velvezhi.

Velvezhi scoffed. She scowled at her foolish granddaughter. She knew that Leah did not fully know the consequences of trying to help her worthless mate. There was no chance of survival for Leah. She would be dead and that's permanent. Velvezhi sometimes blamed her daughter for not raising her own children as she did. She was deeply disappointed.

"Don't you dare!" Insuvai shouted at Leah. Insuvai felt betrayed. If Insuvai had known that Leah wanted to sacrifice herself, she would have never brought her here.

Velvezhi rolled her eyes. It was always Achira and Insuvai getting attached to their descending family. She was sick of it and wanted it to come to an end. She missed the days when it was just her, Insuvai, and Achira.

"Very well. As you wish, but you are foolish." Velvezhi agreed. She knew the consequences as well. Achira and Insuvai would be mad, her daughter, Laura, would be furious at the loss of her only daughter. She didn't care. Leah was offering to end her life and she didn't wish for her to be alive anymore. It was a perfect opportunity. Velvezhi pulled out the long silver dagger that was in her coat. The look of horror on Insuvai's and Achira's face made her hasten her pace. Before they could stop her actions she plunged the dagger straight into her heart.

Insuvai tried to reach her sister to stop her actions, but it was too late. Leah's eyes fluttered shut and she fell to the ground dying instantly. Leah didn't even make a sound as she drifted into peace. Velvezhi watched as she took her last breath as Achira and Insuvai screamed.

Alec listened to this scene unfold with shock and horror laced on his face. A sacrifice was made, and the sacrifice should be fulfilled. Velvezhi stood over top of Leah's body and whispered, "Ōnāy, eṉṉiṭam vā."

Velvezhi walked to Alec, who had not moved a muscle, and placed her palm on his cheek.

"Mīṭṭamai," Velvezhi muttered.

If Alec thought losing his eyesight, in the first place, was the most painful thing he had went through then he was wrong. Gaining his eyesight was worse, it felt like a needle being jammed into his eyes over and over again. It felt like a migraine at its peak, like staring into the sun for hours without looking away, and like getting bleach into your eyes all in one.

Velvezhi stepped back as white light radiated from Alec's eyes like a military flashlight.

Alec muffled his screams, as he thought they were a sign of weakness and fell to his knees. He groaned as the pain continued to hit him in cycles.

Soon the pain stopped and he was on his hands and knees. His breathing was heavy and the world spun, one negative thing about his newly restored eyesight.

"Damn." He muttered to himself, not expecting to feel the excruciating pain. However, that was not the most agonizing experience yet. He heard it for himself, but he had to see if it was really true. His heart split in two as he looked forward. Nothing was more painful than losing a soulmate.

His world seemed to stop for two reasons. He had never seen such a more beautiful woman in his life. She laid lifelessly on the ground, and he observed her face. Alec thought that she looked more perfect than an enchanting angel. But, she was dead. He wouldn't even get to look into her eyes for the first time.

Insuvai wept as she fell to the ground beside Leah. "No no no." She repeated to herself. Achira joined her caring sister and comforted her. Achira was the most powerful sister, but she did have feelings as well. Achira tried keeping herself composed for the sake of her sister. She had always been the one to comfort both of them.

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