Chapter 10

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The vampire hovered over me and kissed me. I was steady crying because I felt so helpless. My whole body felt numb due to the venom.

A deep growled was heard, and it made everyone freeze. I tried to move my head to see who it was. It was very hard to do anything because the slightest movement caused pain. Brown eyes glowed, and my heart went crazy.

A smile came to my lips, "Your d-dead." My voice sounded sluggish and raspy. It sounded like I was a forty-year-old smoker that was about to die.

"Shut the fuck up." He slapped me again.

The growl became deadly and Alec stalked closer to the vampire. "Handle that mutt." The vampire on top of me said.

Alec's chuckle sounded deadly. "Mutt?" He spits the word out in disgust. "You have five seconds to get off my mate before I rip your heart out!" His voice was unlike anything I've ever heard. It sent shivers down my spine, but not in fear.

Alec was shaking because he was on the verge of shifting. The vampire got off me and zipped up his pants. Alec growled even more. The vampire ran full speed and jumped in the air ready to bite Alec. I gasped in horror as the vampire fell lifelessly to the ground. His heart was in Alec's hand, or should I say in his beast's hand. His eyes were much more vivid than I ever saw. The beast standing before us was a different side of Alec that I've never seen before. No sane person would ever want to see this side.

The beast licked the blood on the heart, then crushed it in his hand like it was nothing. My stomach ached and I felt like I was about to vomit. I could see why everyone called him a monster, and I understood why Rem said that sometimes he was more beast than man.

"Vampire venom doesn't work on me." He growled making a point.

The vampires gasped in horror as their friend fell to the ground. The vampire that stood alone in the corner, that did not take part, ran away in fear. Two vampires ran toward Alec. He ripped the first vampire's heart straight out of his chest, and then bite into the neck of the second vampire. He ripped his razor-sharp teeth from side to side and dug his nails into his neck. Soon his head was torn off his body and he fell to the ground. The other vampires rushed at him, but it was no point. He slaughtered each and every one of them.

When it was over I whimpered in pain, "Alec?" I weakly called out. I closed my eyes for a brief second.

"I'm sorry Leah. I shouldn't have let you gone by yourself." I heard a very deep voice.

He looked at the outline of the silver knife with his glowing eyes, and he started ti shake again. "This is going to hurt." He admitted, and quickly pulled the knife out. A muffled cry escaped my lips.

He was about to scoop me up in his arms but stopped when his hand brushed against the bare skin of my legs. He gritted his teeth and looked around for my pants. Then he carefully helped me get dressed.

When my pants were on, he lifted me in his arms. He started walking down the alley, and his eyes never changed from his wolf form. He stayed away from humans when he walked back to the hotel.

When we finally got back to the hotel, he went straight to the bathroom. Luckily, none of the employees stopped us. He softly laid me on the floor.

"How?" Was all I could say.

I was beginning to gain back some of my abilities, and speech was the first one. He started the bathtub, and my eyes widened in fear.

"N-No." I was starting to panic and freak out.

"Shhh. It's okay." He said so gently and soft.

"Do you trust me?" He softly asked.

"Wha-what are you d-doing?" I sounded horrible.

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