Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)17

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Hello Guys!!!

I am really sorry for keeping you all waiting.... I am finally free for sometime so I took that opportunity to post another chapter:)

Hope you like this chapter:):)

Hint*They are going to have the talk:)* You know who "they" are right? So get ready....


Percy's POV

Draco and I entered the class after the other Slytherin's.We both were the last to enter the class and to my luck we only had two seats left. One was next to Hermione which was just in the middle of the class and another next to a Slytherin girl who I saw was the girl Draco danced with last night. Even before I could register Draco was took the seat and started chatting with her.

Did I tell you again that my luck is always down the road? I gave a small sigh and took the seat next to Hermione.

"Hey", she said looking back down as fast as she looked up.

"Hry",I said as I sat down."This is going to be one long class," I thought as my mom entered the class.

During the whole class we didn't talk much as we usually did. Hermione kept answering all the questions while I was trying to concentrate. My mom told us that there was no need for any introductions since she is teaching us Greek Mythology too. She asked us questions like"why we need to learn Defence Against Dark arts? What is Dark Arts?"and all that which were all answered by Hermione and one or two by Draco and Harry. She gave us a brief introduction about what she was going to teach us this year.

She gave us the last thirty minutes free telling us since we are going to get busy from our next class onwards we should have some time free. There was an awkward silence between me and Hermione for the first time we since we were friends. We both always talked about everything together and it was really weird. And right now I decided what I had to do.

At last the class was over and everyone said bye to my mom and ran out of the class. It was weird since she is the only person all the students dared to be friendly with. We all knew if we tried this with Snape he will probably make us clean his den.

Harry and Ron were the first br out of class since they were practising for the match they are having next week. We were all having a free class next that's why they wanted to use every free time we had on practise. Draco and the girl were already leaving he waved at me and mouthed "outside" which meant he was going to be in the grounds under the large oak tree that we all used to sit and talk or even do some of our homework. When I reached the door I saw Hermione in front of me with her bag and books. I knew if I didn't do this now it will be never. So I overcame the nervousness in my nerves and gave her a small tap on the shoulder getting her attention.

"Can we talk for a minute", I asked her hoping she would say no but I knew we really needed to settle this.

"Yeah sure",she said biting her nail. She did this when ever she was nervous and I knew I wasn't the only one who was going crazy.

We walked to the corner of the hall way since everybody was in class the halls were really quite and empty.

I took a deep breath and gathered up my courage. "You fought against Koronos and now you can't even talk to a girl", a part of my mind said to me. I quickly pushed that thought aside and cleared my thought to finish this. A part of me was telling me to stop that she doesn't have the same feelings as you but I knew it will be better if she knew.


Hermione's POV


I stood next to Percy looking at the floor knowing that we will have to talk about last night. But I never expected it to be this early. I knew what I did last night was wrong. I was just letting my feelings  take control over instead of my stupid feelings. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to hear the words I knew he was going to tell.

"Go on", I said trying to feel confident than I was feeling.

"Amm... I don't know how to begin but I think you should know when I was dancing with you yesterday you looked so beautiful and all I could think about was how lucky I was to have you as my friend. And I know by telling you this I might ruin the friendship I have and you might not have the same feeling as me but I think I will be better if you knew about this", he said this and stopped.Even with my eyes closed  I could imagine him trying to figure out the right words and his sea green eyes narrowing with concentration.

"Mione look at me", he said calling me using the nickname all three of them used to call me.

I slowly opened my eyes looking at his sea green which held me captivated as usual.

"I really like you. I know you might not have the same feelings towards me but I think you should know this", he said and looked at me waiting for my reaction.

All of a sudden my mind went blank. Did I hear what he just said? He likes me! I wasn't ready to hear this. I was expecting something like "Last night was a mistake and I am really sorry", and then I would go to my bed and hope that it was a bad dream. But this I wasn't expecting. All I could do was stare at his sea green eyes that showed how much he cared about me.

"Mione, tell something?", he said  and I knew he was waiting for my reaction. Right now I did the only thing that came to my mind.

I dropped the books and my bag on the floor and flung my hands around his waist grabbing him to one giant hug.

I could tell he was not expecting this because he stumbled back and lucky for him he steadied him self with the help of the wall. I could feel his arms tighten around my waist and I buried my face on his shoulder not wanting to let go.


How was it??

Bad right? I am not the best romance writer in the world but I gave it my best shot..

And I can know how it was only with you guys help... SO tell me what you think :)

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