Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)4

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Hey guys I have to days till exam starts so I thought I should post another chapter.....

Thanx for everyone who voted for my last chapter!!! :)

I hope you this one as well.....


Percy's POV

After I stepped into the fireplace when my mum threw the weird powder the flames turned green. So, I stepped into the frieplace hoping I won't burn! And I muttered "Higwarts Headmistress Office", clearly as my mom told.

After some time my feet touched the ground. I looked around to see I was in a fireplace but not the one at our house. Slowly, I came out of the fireplace. I kept one hand in the pant pocket which had my riptide.

The room was weired. There were pictures hanging on the wall and inside the frames people moved, some were talking, some were sleeping and some were looking at me as if I dropped out of the sky. Ya, it wasn't much of a difference is it? dropping from the firepalce and sky sounds same right? The room had a table in the center, many other tables around with things on them.

Then I heard another thud behind me. I turned around to see my mom walk out of the fireplace looking at the pphotos and smilling at them. So, I guessed this is the Headmistress office. I wasn't supprised at all at the things around me. Ya, after realisisng you are a wizard and a demigod I think you won't be that supprised.

My mom smiled at the photos and said hello to most of them.

"Hello Proffesor Dumbeldore!!", my mom said smiling at a photo which was at the end of the line.

"Hello Sally! You have changed a lot!", the photo of a man with a long beard and half moon spectecals smiled at my mom.

Behind me I heard something moving. I turned around to find a women with blonde hair and wearing black robes standing on the top of the flight of stairs. I remember when I came here there wabn't any doors. This was getting even creepier than the movies that I have watched about witches!!!!

"Hello Sally!!! You made it!", I heard the women called out to my mom with a smile on her face. I could tell that it was very raer when she smiled.

Percy Goes to Hogwarts - [Percy in Hogwarts Series:Book 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now