Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)16

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Hey guys!!!:)

Thank you guys for all the votes and comments:)

Hope you like this chapter:);)


Chapter 16

Percy's POV

I looked at the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen. I forgot all about the outside world and all the worries I had to face. I was about to kiss the most beautiful girl in the party.

In seconds with out any words we both were leaning forward. And in 1,2-


With that the bubble around us broke. All of a sudden everyone was running out of the room. I looked up at Hermione who was blushing and was looking down. I could feel even my own face getting tomato red. 

"Percy!! Hermione!!! come on", Draco's voice got us both back to reality. He came to us with the girl he was dancing along fallowed by Ron and Harry who were with Ginny and Lavender. Both Hermione and I were standing as far as possible.

"We should get going because I don't want to get another detention", Harry said looking at everyone who were making there escape.

"Ya, sure so see you tomorrow",I said finding my voice at last. I gave them a small smile but I didn't have the guts to look at Hermione. I waved a bye to all of them and followed Draco and the girl to Slytherin dorms.

After muttering the password I dragged my self up to my dorm. Draco said he had to talk to the girl so I left them alone.  

I went to the bathroom and got ready for the bed. When I returned I saw Draco asleep. I could tell the time was almost midnight and I had to wake up for tomorrow's class. And I wished for like the hundredth time for no dreams. But guess fates never wants me to sleep peacefully.

I was back in the same room. The room was dark with same cold feeling. This time the mane was sitting at the same place and in front of him stood a woman with curly brown hair. I couldn't see her because her back was to me.But I could hear their conversation.

"It is very nice of you to join us back, Bellatrix", the man now who is Voldermort said.

"It is my pleasure, My Lord", she said bowing.

"i think we can talk about the plans tomorrow along with  the inner circle", Voldermort informed the woman.

"Yes,My lord",she said bowing again.

"I think you should explain others how you are alive", he said making a ghost smile appear in his face.

"Yes,My Lord. Poly juice has its own way of  surprises", she said with a chilling laugh that made chills down my spine even if it was a dream.

"You are dismissed", Voldermort said with his cold voice. And one last time Bellatrix kissed his hand and left the room leaving me alone with Voldermort.

"We will meet soon my friend", he said and looked straight at me with a creepy smile on his nose less face.(LOL)

I woke up to find Draco shaking me.

"Hey,are you okay?", he asked as I opened my eyes.

"I'm fine. Just a bad dream", I said not wanting to talk about it."What time is it?"

"You have almost one hour for the classes", he said as he walked away from my bed.

"Oh, anyways thanks for waking me up",I said thanking him.

After getting ready for class we both went to the hall to have our breakfast. Many Slytherins were not there because most of them were still asleep. 

Other tables were almost full with students who didn't attend the party. 

I looked at the Gryffindor table to see Hermione lookig at me. When she saw me she quickly looked down. 

"This is going to be hard", I thought to myself as I gulped down my last peice of breakfast.

"Lets go for Defence Against Dark Arts", Draco said getting up.

"Yeah,let's go", I said thinking about what my mom will have in store for us.


So what do you think?? I know many of you are hating me about what happend... But I promise to make it upto you :)

Comment and vote:);)



PS: I will try to post next weekend:):)

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