Percy Jackson in Hogwarts(Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Fan Fiction)24

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I am so sorry for not updating earlier =[

i do have an excuse; I did finish writing the chapter two days ago but I couldn't upload cauze I had some internet trouble =[

I want to say thank you for all those people who read my last chapter and voted and commented =]

I should say this is not the best chapter i've written. I am not really happy with this one but not to worry people the next chapter will probably be better =] I'll upload the next chapter after christmas =] That will be the last chapter =] and then in January the book 2 will be up!! =]

I was in cloud 9 when I saw that this book had reached 2k votes!! =] Thank you soo much guys!! =]

And R.I.P Paul Walker and Nelson Mandela. The heaven is calling back all the angels on Earth =[



Chapter 24

It had been almost a week since Percy’s visit to the Ministry. Things had been going smoothly as they could be with him being Perseus Austrian Reveal. He hadn’t gotten enough time to explain everything that happened to his friends and Hermione due to all the last minute preparations for exams. The exams are being held in two more weeks and then will be Christmas. This is Percy’s first time facing a wizard exam but there is always a first right? Percy was grateful for his girlfriend who always helped him with the notes and pushed him to spend more time in the library even though he never really read much. And another major change was finding out about his real self or his real life which was covered up in a bunch of lies. Anyways Percy was again thankful to his best friend and housemate, Draco Malfoy who seems to know how to be a Pureblood. Or whatever it was. Percy couldn’t see much of a deal out of this whole pureblood thing but according to Draco; the Slytherins seem to take it rather seriously. So, he had spent his evenings with Draco after his quidditch practice for the big game against Gryffindor.  

Percy sighed as he walked inside the library on the Friday night. They had classes for half the day and the professor weren’t kind enough to let them enjoy the evening because they had piled up homework to the height of the sky. Percy usually did his homework with his friends or girlfriend but at the moment neither was free. Draco, Harry and Ron were all having quidditchpractice which each of them had told him separately telling that even if they were all friends a game of quidditch was like a war. Hermione was stolen by Ginny who had said that they didn’t get much time for a girl’s night since everyone suddenly became busy. The library was almost empty since many students were in their dorms getting ready for dinner.

Percy settled in one of the chairs at the back after saying hello to the librarian. He dropped the heavy bundle of parchment, books and ink along with his book bag with a tired sigh. He opened the first text book which just happened to be Potions. He flipped through the pages trying to concentrate as he felt tired suddenly. The whole weight he carried in his shoulders for the past week settled down making him exhausted.

He hadn’t been able to have a goodnight sleep because of the nightmares that he had been having. Sure he had nightmares or demi-god dreams whichever, almost every day but these dreams were even more scarier than his usual dreams. It was like someone was trying to tell him something or showing him memories. He could never understand whatever they were trying to show him. And it didn’t help him much that the word’s told by the vampire on his way to the castle.

Percy Goes to Hogwarts - [Percy in Hogwarts Series:Book 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now