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"Don't go too far little one", Jane told her niece in a worried tone as little Strawberry ran out into the lush green meadow that grew next to the village of Widonna they live in.

The bubbly tiny child that toddled around in the meadow was her little adopted niece. Jane and her husband, Jim became her legal guardians when her sister's husband and her sister died of a viral illness that was spreading over the nation.

Only three years old when her parents died, she remembered very little of them. Strawberry got her vivid emerald eyes from her father who was a poor farmer in the town of Nortan. Red hair the colour of blood was given to her by her sweet mother who was wooed by Strawberry's father when they were only teenagers. They sadly met their demise before their life as a family could fully start together.

Jane and her husband, Jim tried to fill the parental roles in their niece's life. With no children of their own Strawberry filled that hole in their lives. The shy girl was beloved by their village of Widonna for her heart of gold. Skipping through the streets with her basket, Strawberry whole being radiated a sense of purity and innocence that brought pure happiness to anyone who saw her.

"Yes Auntie Janey", The melodious voice of the skipping child carried through the wind towards her aunt.

The breeze delicately blew the flowers that were collars of vibrant purples and muted yellows. It was Strawberry's heaven, her favourite place, the meadow that grew in such an odd place. Her aunt and uncle told her this is where her mother and father watch her from up above. It made her feel a strong connection to the people that were once in her life that she no longer remembers.

The lush green meadow grew on the outskirts of both the demon realm and vampire realm. Both supernatural creatures could been seen as potential threats from how the vampires feasted off of human's blood and demons were able to suck the happiness out of humans and leave them in a state of depression. Due to peace treaty between the realms and the village these creatures were hardly threats. The mysterious creatures only ever came once a year to look for their beloveds, take them and leave.

Her village of, Widonna had a whole mix of people that made her feel at home. In the morning when the sun had finally come up for the day Strawberry would skip down the street and collect her items. The villagers would smile brightly with joy as they waved at them. The villagers of Widonna were her extended family.

As Strawberry traveled through the meadow she found an abundance of daisies that grew in one spot of it. She decided to sit and use the daisies to make a flower crown for her auntie.

Giggles that sounded like wind chimes carried through the wind and made its way to meet an angry demon boy's ears that was stomping through the edge of the forest in the demon realm. He had been angry at his father for giving him so much training taking away from his time to play. The beautiful sound halts his anger and stops him in his tracts. He decides to follow the sound of the melodious giggles towards the meadow.

Spotting the source of the giggles, he made his way towards the little girl that produced the sound. He kept some distance at first from the cherry red hair girl that sat in the meadow piecing together a flower crown together with the upmost concentration that she didn't even notice the ten year old demon boy that loomed over her.

Strawberry finally stopped making her flower crown and her emerald eyes looked up when she felt a tall figure loom over her. She looked around curious to see if it was her auntie but, she was nowhere to be found. It wasn't til she turned her head around is when she saw the demon boy that stood in front of her.

"Hello I'm strawberry!", she excitedly said while brightly smiling up at the mysterious boy.

He was shocked for a second at the little girl before that he felt a strong pull towards. With a delightfully happy smile Ignis finally answered back,"Hello my beloved, I'm Ignis."

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