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"What do you feel like doing? I answered, as I finished my breakfast.

He frowned. "Well Conner has to pick me for band practice but after that, I'm all yours" he said smiling.

"Can I come?" I asked swiveling in my chair.

"Really? I thought our practices bored you?" He asked confused.

I shook my head. "I've never said that, but on second thought I had a lot of school work to do so I'll stay here" I said, standing up.

"You can come if you want" Matthew replied, quickly.

"I know, but I should catch up on school work, it's okay.. I'm not mad or anything" I replied.

"Are you sure?" He asked before a horn went off outside.

"Yeah, I'm good!" I exclaimed.

He watched me for a moment before I gave him a smile. "Okay, well text me if you need anything" he said, grabbing his guitar pick up the bench.

"Will do" I replied.

He turned around and left, closing the front door behind him and I sighed. Standing up, I grabbed my plate, did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.

Walking back to my room, I opened my door and grabbed my school bag, pulling out all my textbooks.

My phone sat atop my desk and I plugged in my earphones and began doing my homework, while I hummed to myself. Time passed quickly and I didn't really look up from the book until I realised I was thristy.

Forgetting the book, I walked down the hallway, dancing as I went.

"You can't understand what it was like, and I wonder why" I sang as I made it to the kitchen and opened up the fridge door.

I heard the front door slam and turned around to see Matthew angrily push Connor back. Pulling out my earplugs, I focused on them.

"Hey, hey, what's going on?" I asked, plopping my bottle of water on the bench.

"We almost collided with another car, I'm trying to make sure my best friend is okay! But he's being a jerk!" Conner snapped glaring at Matthew.

"Is anyone hurt?" I asked, my eyes wide.

"No, I stopped in time" Conner replied.

"Oh thank god, Matt?" I asked as he flopped onto the couch.

"I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" He exclaimed as he rubbed his eyes.

I glanced at Conner. "It's okay, I got this" I replied.

He sighed in relief. "Text me" he mouthed.

I nodded.

Conner left and I walked around the lounge to face Matt. "He's gone, are you okay?" I asked, worriedly.

"I said I'm fine, stop babying me!" He exclaimed, sitting up.

I frowned. "I'm not babying you, I worried because things like that can be traumatic" I replied, folding my arms.

"Well I'm fine" he replied, standing up and walking over to the fridge.

I watched him for a moment, unconvinced. "You know you can talk me to me, right?" I asked, gently.

"God dammit Shelby!" He snapped.

I flinched before looking at him wide eyed. "How could I possibly talk to you about anything when you don't know what it's like!" He exclaimed.

"Don't know what's like?" I asked, hoping to get somewhere.

"My parents are dead! They're dead! And they aren't coming back! How could I possibly explain to you that in that brief moment I thought we were going to crash, I wanted to die! Tell me! How could you possibly know what that's like!" He yelled.

His eyes welled up. "You have no idea!" He exclaimed but in a softer tone.

I stood up and walked over to him, my arms outreached. "No! I don't want a hug, I just want to be left alone!" He exclaimed, stepping back.

"Matthew, I'm just trying to help, let me be there for you!" I replied.

"I don't need you! I have never needed you! Your parents are still alive so there is no way you can comfort me and I don't want it!" He exclaimed.

"It's okay to miss your parents, its more than okay-" I started.

"Oh my god! Stop it Shelby! I'm not a charity case, I can handle my own feelings!" He exclaimed.

Tears threatened my eyes as I watched him come undone. "That's all I am to you isn't it, a charity case" he said before forcing an exclamation of air through his mouth.

"What? That has never been apart of this, you know how I feel about you Matthew, I wouldn't agree to be your girlfriend if I thought you were just some charity case!" I exclaimed.

"Well I don't need you! I don't need your so called help, in fact I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore!" He yelled back.

I swallowed and looked away. "You're spiraling and you just need some time alone, I get that" I said calmly.

"No, I need you out of my life because I'm not a child" he replied harshly.

I blinked. "Yeah well your behaviour says otherwise, you asshole!" I swore.

Biting my lip to stop the torrent of tears that threatened, I stormed away and to my room, grabbing my already packed bag and picked up my text books.

I shoved them all into my bag before wiping at my eyes blindly.

My steps were angry as I walked back into the dining room. "Leaving?" He asked as if he was proud of himself.

I was just going to leave with no further discussion but I whirled around. "You know what Matt! I do feel sorry for you, because once again you are pushing away the people who actually care for you, you're going to end up alone and that won't be my problem! I tried, I was here for you and I tried!" I exclaimed.

Matthew glowered. "When you finally realise how much of a jerk you are, when you realise that you did want me in your life, I have but one request.." I snapped.

His eyes narrowed. "Don't come back for me" I snapped again before storming out of the house and slamming the front door behind me.


Oh Matty. Matty. Matty.

What a silly boy.

How many of you hate me?
Especially after the cuteness of the previous chapter.

Comment? Hehehe *bites nails nervously*

Tavana xoxoxoxoxoxox

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