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"And then I get a great phone call from your Principal during my lunch break, telling me that my daughter was involved in a fight on school grounds!" My mother exclaimed as I was sitting down, watching her pace back and forth.

"Mun, I wasn't even involved! I was hiding behind Harry! It was Henry and Matthew that were fighting" I replied, trying to explain.

"I don't want to hear it! You just got yourself two weeks of grounding, I never ever wanted to be this parent but I'm putting my foot down!" She exclaimed.

I grinded my teeth, standing up. "What would you know about parenting! You never actually listen to anything I say! All you do is judge me and every decision I make! News flash mum! I can look after myself!" I finally snapped before storming up to my room.

"Three weeks!" My mother yelled back.

I let out a noise of frustration as I slammed my bedroom door behind me. I barely made it to my bed before I collapsed on it and buried my head into my pillow before screaming.

"Is this a bad time?" A male voice asked.

I shot up and turned around, seeing Matt sitting on my study desk.

I wiped at my eyes and shook my head. "What are you doing here? And how did you get in?" I asked, glancing at the open window.

"Through your window" he said, looking at ke as if I should already know that.

I was on the second floor of the building with no vines or ladders to climb near my window. "As for the first question, I came to apologise for getting you into trouble" he said, standing up from my desk.

I frowned. "Why were you fighting in the first place? I just don't understand why you hate him so much, I mean he said some shitty things to me and I hate him now but you're on a whole new level of hatred with him" I said, sitting back on my bed.

Matthew walked over to me as I studied him. He dark blue skinny jeans and grey sweater, a blue friendship bracelet around his ankle. I looked up as he sat next to me on the bed. "Henry has always been rather jealous of me and my popularity" Matt said, looking down and putting his hands palm to palm.

"Henry is only popular by relation to his older brother whereas I built my own popularity with music and well attitude" he sighed.

"That's why he was so adamant on talking to you every time we were together, he wants to have everything that I have.. not that you're mine or anything.. you are yours and no one can lay claim like that" he quickly tried to explain.

I pressed my lips together as I tired not to smile. "It's beside the point, I just wanted to apologise for causing you.. this" he said, pausing and gesturing to the door.

I looked down at my hand and quickly reached for his. Our fingers entwined and we both just watched our hands. "It's okay Matt, I'm not mad at you" I said.

Matthew looked relieved. "Why was he grabbing you like that anyway?" He asked, glancing up.

Our eyes met. "I told him that I wasn't going to dump you just so I could go to the dance with him, he called in that favour I owed him but I told him no" I replied, the first to look away.

Matthew looked surprised as I spoke. "You turned down Henry King because you wanted to go to the dance with me?" He asked, still so surprised.

"Don't act so surprised, I'm glad I did.. now I know what he's really like" I said as I felt his thumb touch my chin.

He tilted my face towards his. My heart started to beat faster, I was almost sure he could hear it. "Okay, well for what it's worth.. I am sorry" he said as he stood up.

I lost all contact with him and suddenly, I felt alone and cold.

He walked towards the window and I stood up, facing him. "Stay, please" I said making him still.

Matthew turned his head to look at me and I opened my mouth to say something before my mother knocked on the door. "I'm going back to work! And I have to work late! If you leave this house I swear to God that I will kill you, you are grounded, do you hear me!" She exclaimed.

I didn't answer just kept looking at Matt as he looked between the door and me. "And your homework better be done!" She exclaimed before I heard the heels of her shoes clacking down the stairs.

Matthew moved away from the window as I heard her car start and drive away. I ran to the window and peered out, seeing the empty driveway.

Turning around to face Matthew, I burst out laughing. He smiled shyly. "It's just us now, and don't feel bad, she said nothing about me having a friend over" I replied as I walked to the door.

Matthew caught my hand as I tried to walk past and I swung around to face him as he pulled me closer to him.
My head tilted up and next thing I knew is that he was kissing me.

It wasn't one of his usual tender kisses, this one was desperate and story worth.
He pulled away and I breathed air, something I had forgotten I needed to do.

"I don't want to be your friend" he said,making my eyes widened.

"What?" I said, a little shocked.

"I don't want to be your friend because I want to be more than that, I know I just told you that you belong to you but you're mine too and I'm always going to protect you" he suddenly said, as if it was a volcano erupting.

I blinked.

"I want to be your boyfriend and I want you to be my girlfriend, I want to introduce you to the guys as my girlfriend, and if any other man gets to be with you and it's not me, I think I would just die... because I love you so much and I can't not love you like I do" he rambled.

My breath caught as I stared at him wide eyed. "I can't keep pretending that I'm fine with just being the friend that occasionally gets a little too flirty, I can't" he said, finally looking into my eyes.

He pulled me closer and my hands went to his shoulders. "Be mine Shelby, and let me be yours?" He asked, glancing away nervously.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I was surprised by his outburst. It was nothing I ever thought I'd hear come from Matthew Kane's mouth. "Shelby?" He asked, his voice sounding as though he was giving up.

I let a smile creep onto my face and he looked confused. "I hope this answers your question" I said before leaning forward quickly and pressing my mouth against his.

My hands went around his neck and looped as I pulled myself up higher, his fingers dug delicately into my waist as he kissed me back. I pulled away, resting my forehead against his. "Why didn't you ask me when you started feeling this way?" I asked, breathing carefully.

"Because I didn't want to ruin this friendship we built and I slipped up at the restaurant and I saw your face.. it made me think that you didn't think of me like that.." he trailed off.

"Matthew, the first moment we kissed I thought of you like that" I replied.

"So why didn't you tell me?" He whispered.

"Because I was scared that this was just a one time thing" I replied.

He pulled his head away as his hand came up to brush hair out of my eye. "Shelby, you are not a one time thing.. because I am so in love with you" he replied.

I smiled. "Good, because- ditto" I chuckled.

Our lips met again.


He finally confessed 
She finally confessed.

They confessed.

Gah. I cant. I literally cant.

I love them too much.
I wonder how the band will react.

How did you react?

Lots of love, Tavana xoxoxoxoxo
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