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"So, you're really moving in with him?" Mum asked as I packed a bag.

"This is what you wanted, wasn't it?" I asked, glancing at her.

"Yes, but I didn't actually think he was going to let you move in" she replied, folding her arms.

"Well he is, so maybe it's best I just go live there for a while" I replied.

"Shelby, I'm sorry okay, I just don't want you to end up like me.. I thought I had found love when I was younger too, married him after giving birth to Christopher... he gave me one more child before he decided I wasn't the one he wanted anymore and he left, I don't want you to follow in my footsteps" she said, sighinv as she watched me pack.

"The difference is mum, is that not every guy is like my father" I replied, forgetting my packing and turning around to look at her properly.

"I know, I just want you to be safe and cautious, men can be cruel and twisted in the most unforgivable ways, he's already hurt you once, what makes you think he won't hurt you again?" Mum asked as I frowned.

"Because this time he and I are more, we aren't just friends anymore mum, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes" I replied, glancing down shyly.

I could almost hear the grandfather clock we had in the lounge room downstairs. "Just be careful and call your brother every now and then" mum replied, giving up.

"No, I don't want to talk to him" I said, turning back to my packing.

I shoved a few dresses into my bag. "Why?" She asked exasperated at the fact her children weren't talking.

"He betrayed me ma! He went behind my back and dated my best friend!" I exclaimed.

"If you can forgive her, I'm sure you can forgive him" my mother replied sternly.

I turned around to look at her but she had left and I sighed. In a way she was right. I had to talk to my brother eventually and not being able to talk to him was driving me nuts. We were close and always have been.

Pulling my phone out of the back pocket of ny jeans, I sat on my bed and dialled his familiar number. "Shelby?" Chris's voice asked surprised in a way of answer.

"Hey" I replied.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay with mum?" He asked worried.

"Everything's fine, everyone is fine" I replied.

"Oh okay" he said before it went silent on the phone.

I sighed. "I heard that you and Alana broke up" I said, looking at an interesting white spot on the wall.

"Yeah, she didn't want to hurt your feelings anymore, and neither did I" he replied, no emotion in his voice.

"Look, I'm more mad at myself than you and I realise that, I just felt so betrayed because you two were sneaking around behind my back and believed you couldn't talk to me about it" I said, getting it all out there.

"Yes, but look how you reacted Shelby.. can you blame us?" He asked.

"Yes, yes I can because maybe if I hadn't seen you two kissing at the party but instead one of you came up to me and said 'hey listen I'm really into your best friend or I'm really into your brother', I might not have had such an explosive reaction!" I exclaimed.

He sighed. "I'm sorry Shelby, I didn't want any of this to happen like this" he trailed off.

I bit my lip. "I can see that you are both still really into each other, and I give you my blessing or whatever to date, just don't lie or pretend to me again, do you hear me!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, I hear you and I'm sorry. Shelby, thank you" he breathed out, as hope filled his tone.

"I have to go, got a few things to do, but we'll talk later.. okay?" I asked, closing my eyes.

"Okay" he replied.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and sighed as I hung up. Standing up, I zipped up my bag and slung the strap across my shoulder.

I would probably be back tomorrow to fetch a few more things so I just closed the door to my room before walking down the stairs. My mother was sitting at the center aisle benchtop, her glasses pushed to her nose as she stared at the laptop screen in front of her. "Okay mum, I'm going to be at Matt's house if you ever need me" I said, making her swivel around in her chair.

"Okay" she said faintly.

I looked down and walked towards the front door, pushing it open. I shivered against the cold  while I walked across the street to Matt's house. I knocked on the door.

It barely took a few seconds before Matt was holding open the door and holding out his arm. He took the strap of my bag as I stepped up. "I got it" he said, as the door closed behind us.

The house hadn't changed much since I was last in here with a tub of ice cream and a movie. Except all of Matthew's parent's boxes were gone and it looked like he had brought a few more pieces of furniture.

"Welcome home" he said quickly as he gave me a small smile.

I looked at him, noticed his bright eyes and smile that seemed really genuine. God, it had been so long since I had seen that. There was still sadness in his eyes and that would be there for quite some time but happiness seemed to grow there too. I smiled back.

"I'll show you to your room" he said, cocking his head.

Whithout warning or any indication, he took my hand and led me down the hallway. I barely noticed anything else as my sole focus was on our hands.

It felt so right and so comfortable. My heart and soul had craved this and maybe I was finally going to be happy. "This is your room" he said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

He opened the door to an already furnished room and stepped inside, placing my bag on the bed. "Thank you Matt" I said seriously.

Matthew turned around to face me. "For what?" He asked, a slow smile creeping into his face.

"For this, for everything.." I trailed off, looking down.

My heart sighed in content as his arms wrapped around me, squishing me into his chest for a hug. "Shelby, I would do anything for you.." he replied gently.


Awww. At least Chris and Shelby are going to talk now. And Chris will play an important part in the upcoming chapters.

So Shelby and Matt are living together.. this should be interesting. And cute. Interesting and cute.

How are all my loyal readers today?

My wrist is healing greatly and I am able to type better now.
Thank you for all the get well wishes, it truly made me smile :)

Lots of love, Tavana xoxoxo

Instagram: @tavanalee

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