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A/N: Next stop, Austria. How they fare in the mecca for classical music, with legends such as Haydn, Mozart, Strauss, and Kreisler? The chapter name is German for Vienna.

Also this chapter will reveal what Tsubaki and Watari are doing in Japan for the last six years.

September 6th, 2024.

Vienna, Austria.

"You can sleep now, Kousei-kun." Kaori said upon her husband finished drinking his medicine inside their hotel room in Ritz-Carlton Vienna.

Kousei contacted flu just hours after his and Kaori's German performance. 

"Must.. finish (coughing).. this" Kousei reached his IPad, try to finish one of the couple's new composition, titled "Peace Inside You".

"Honey, don't push yourself too hard for this. My body maybe not as strong as you, but for this, please, let me do more."

"And don't ever say that I have done too much for you. Remember, this what love is." She continued.

Kousei relented, with regret that his act has caused his wife to close to crying, and as Kaori readied her own IPad for the composition, he felt the effect, and ready for a paracetamol-induced sleep, which hopefully help his body to recover.

September 8th, 2024.

"Much better, honey?" Kaori asked, softly, as her husband awaken after another good sleep.

Despite his condition his mind is still as clear as day during their first rehearsal.

"Thank Lord Jesus I'm much better now. Let's go downstairs for breakfast." Kousei said.

After breakfast they meet with their managers for their second rehearsal especially after the orchestra which will accompany them in part of their performances has been fully assembled. They played on one of the best concert hall in the country, Grosser Musikvereinshall. In addition, the said accompanying orchestra is also one of the best in Europe and even the world; the Vienna Philharmonic.

Less than seven days left for the concert.

The piece started with half a minute of the piano being introduced, followed by Kaori's violin which simultaneously signaled the entry of the orchestra.

Thanks to the intense negotiation and "experimentation" in the first day of rehearsal, "Miyarima" and their accompanying orchestra has seamlessly inter-operate and complement with each other. 

Five pieces and three of their originals will be deployed in this particular concert.

"I can see why you are called a prodigy, Mr. Arima" said the conductor upon they finished playing one of the Mozart concertos.

"I used to think that we already know you or your wife well, but this time you two are giving something new here, basically, we were brought to know another part of you in your playing today. And its a good thing particularly for the younger audiences. Once again, magnificent work all!!" The conductor continued. Both Kousei and Kaori smiled upon his praise. 

Time fly fast, and the rehearsal concluded. Another good day for Kousei and Kaori.

As Kousei still need rest, after dinner in the city, their managers immediately escorted the young couple back to their hotel. 

Next day, somehow both Kousei and Kaori wake up earlier. He soon opened his laptop, already connected to the hotel's internet.

His Skype soon went off with a notification. It's from Tsubaki.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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