Rule Britannia!

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A/N: This is the beginning of the second arc of this story: Europe, and Israel, a culturally European country.

Hope you enjoy.

August 16th, 2024.


Their flight from Buenos Aires with British Airways Boeing 777-300ER from Buenos Aires has gone uneventful.

In fact, not only uneventful in negative terms, their first transatlantic crossing as a married couple is probably one of their best.

"Finally London is much cleaner than when we first visited it" said Kousei to Kaori as they strolled around the city with their guards, guns ready, after their first rehearsal in Royal Albert Hall.

Kousei then heard a passerby told his friend beside him walking in opposite with the Japanese, out loud. "Thank God we vote exit and moreover, we finally get rid of Khan". Sadiq Khan's administration as Lord Mayor of London was considered as disastrous, even by significant number of his own Labour Party cadres and voters, with spike of violent crime such as robberies, knife and acid attacks, along with increase of gang-related crimes primarily Pakistani grooming gangs, euphemistically called Asians, and terrorism-related cases. In fact, one of his statements only serve to rub salt into the wound; that terror attacks are part and parcel of a big city.

Being once Tokyoites, living in the one of the largest metropolitan areas in Asia and the world with no significant terror case since 1995, they know that the statement was not helpful at all.

Even after their last visit to London three years ago in another of their concerts, they loved the city's scenery especially along the Thames.

Riding on the immense London's Eye with the city's panorama below it; taking pictures in Big Ben, Westminster Palace, Tower of London, and even the St. Paul's Cathedral.

They also come at a right time to witness the famous Changing of the Guard in the Buckingham Palace. They watched it with joy plastered in their faces as they remember their second rehearsal a day before their visit to Buckingham.

Trafalgar's Square also part of their visit, while making sure that they aren't being followed by paparazzis.

"Excellent work today, ladies and gents!" said the conductor of the famous Royal Philharmonic Orchestra upon the end of the joint rehearsal with Kousei and Kaori of that day. 

Along with Kousei and Kaori, the rehearsal also involved a string quartet of British contemporary-type classical practitioners.

It consist of a twin by the name of Fred and George Delaney, with Fred holding violin, George cello, and two women, both their significant others, Jodie Carter and Autumn McCoy, holding viola and violin respectively.

"It's a privilege for us to play with you lads" Kousei answered the conductor.

"Of course a lot of improvement needs to be done. For example, some of us still not in tune with each other with slightly faster tempo than it should be, and we found one harp string which needs to be replaced outright along with a broken tuba. But nothing we can't do!"

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