[1] The Heartbreak

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𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘥𝘰𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘦.

The chirps of cicadas grew madly as summer approached, and soon, the moral degradations of the past had long been forgotten.

The heat's dust washed the classroom as the loudjeers of the lively students running to their classroom swept across the corridor.

Time slipped through from their fingertips, like cascading waterfalls crashing onto their bare palms, only to silently watch that one droplet that remained on their palm to dry out.

Before they knew it, the seasons continued to repeat, and the students who were once second years now emerged into their final years of high school.

Behind Building A at the side gate, the typical routine of Gu Xiao began. The sunlight drenched the sky, shimmering down on the surface that he didn't dare to raise his eyes. Some said that at this age of eighteen, the peak of joy and most of one's youthful days drifted past.

However, there were some who, at eighteen, became listless. Their senses rotted, their visions became blurred, their muscles no longer had energy, and soon, they became fatigued.

As they slowly decayed, steadily and gradually, from their bones to the depths of their heart, this degeneration devoured them. Over time, they lost their passion, and the flickering light within their energetic eyes gradually dissolved. Yet, it was through this concealment that they continued to tread through time.

Zhang Yongyin 【张永荫】:
《Did you do the homework that was due three months ago? Or was it four?06:32

《Are you skipping chemistry?08:01

《How could you miss the first two periods?09:50

《Mr. Shen is at the front entrance. Come through the side gate》10:02

《You told me you would come early, so I did. Didyou get hit by a car?》10:02

Gu Xiao【顾潇】:
10:16《It's only first break right now so it doesn't matter. Also, we haven't even completed the papers that were due one year ago.


The side gate was merely a rustic wall that required more polishing. If the two student council students guarded the main entrance, Gu Xiao and his friend, Zhang Yongyin, would just head through the front.

If Mr. Shen was on watch, there was no way they would head straight to their death. Gu Xiao quickly slipped his phone back, took a deep breath, and exhausted every drop of his efforts once again.

Gu Xiao managed to maintain on the surface of that same careless smile that gradually merged with his skin, oppressing and digging, until it began taking its own definite form.

With each progression up the wall, his sweating palms met the rough surface of the bricks placed in a disorderly manner. Just as his head perched slightly over the edge, he immediately froze when he saw the back of a familiar-looking boy.

It was their student president, Lan Yuning.

The way he wore the uniform always differed from others. Although it was the same cobalt blue and white jacket, white t-shirt, and blue pants, it always produced the impression that the principal hired him to act as a model for the school uniform.

"What do you want?" Lan Yuning asked, talking to the person over the phone.

Seeing Lan Yuning hide in this shady area where only delinquents came to secretly smoke, just to make a phone call, surprised Gu Xiao. Perhaps the golden boy wasn't all that innocent, though this was none of his business.

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