[37] Someone From The Past (3/3)

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At once, He Rong shut his mouth in shame. To think he would say those words out loud never once came across him.

Actually, the parting was so long. No matter how hard any of them tried to stay the same, they couldn't avoid changing. 

It was because their past selves had already been eaten, bit by bit, by the seagulls at the shore.

"Then, have you not been existing for the past two years?" Gu Xiao asked.

The reason Gu Xiao grew so aggravated was because he understood half of where He Rong was at. His mental instability. His desire to exist through human companionship.

"Alright, let's ignore that question. Then, what did you feel when you were using Lan Yuning and playing with his feelings?" Gu Xiao inquired.

"Lan Yuning?" Zhang Yongyin repeated, slightly puzzled.

A tinge of sourness filled He Rong's face. "Why do you care about him?"

How shameful must it have been for Gu Xiao to ask such a question. He was the one that was hurting Lan Yuning right now, yet he was directing his anger towards He Rong.

"I'm assuming you are staying in Beijing right now. It's near exams and school is still on, yet you are here dressed in casual clothing," Gu Xiao said and eyed him from his white shoes to his green jacket. 

"I saw you during semester break and even now. This might come out as rude, but did you drop out?"

He Rong hesitated on speaking, but soon let out a nervous scoff.

"That's a bit offensive."

A stale odour made its way to Zhang Yongyin's nose, and he sniffed the air a couple of times to determine this acidic fragrance.

"Have you been smoking?" Zhang Yongyin asked.

"So what? Why do you care?"

He Rong picked on his nails that were already slightly ripped, and his shoes were extremely worn out, like he had been running in the same pair for months. 

To see He Rong, someone who cared deeply about his physical appearance and constantly dressing himself in branded clothes, become so bedraggled, was strange. 

His slightly dishevelled hair, faster talking pace, fidgeting of his fingers, Gu Xiao picked up on all these details. 

After all, it was natural for him to examine every small detail of others to decipher their thoughts and situation. Yet, he never said anything even after figuring out what was happening.

"Hey, are you alright?" Zhang Yongyin asked, though that question made He Rong clench his fist even harder.

"I won't push you to the edge any further," Gu Xiao said. "But if you are still staying in Beijing and you are living near here, then let me tell you this. Stay away from Lan Yuning."

"What?" He Rong muttered. "Why do you keep mentioning him?"

"If you go near him, if you ever hurt him, if you ever do whatever you did in the past to him, then I..." Gu Xiao looked around before pointing at Zhang Yongyin with his thumb. "I will send Zhang Yongyin after you."

"What? Me?" Zhang Yongyin baffled.

He Rong was too confused to even respond to these words. A sigh left Gu Xiao's mouth, and he walked towards He Rong. What came after this ached He Rong's stomach. 

The corner of Gu Xiao's lips lifted, forming a vague smile.

"But... I will try to not make the same mistake in the future. I'm sorry for not noticing your struggles, but I've tried my best, and this is all I can do. I'm not some superhero, or some holy saviour. I know you hate me and what I'm saying probably sickens you, but there were times when it was fun. Hanging out with you, that is."

Gu Xiao walked past He Rong and to the hydrangeas where he planted two years ago. Perhaps He Rong left quietly, but the atmosphere was heavy. 

It weighed them down as though the clouds were all huddled together, lying on their backs until their feet dug themselves into the ground. 

Until they could no longer walk. Until they could no longer breathe.

Yet, within these clouds, they heard the ringing of a bike bell, and those who were once lost started facing towards the direction of the bell. 

The seagull that was trapped under the rock had now freed itself. It flapped its wings, slowly and steadily. The little bird believed it could fly and soared into the sky. 

No matter how damaged its wings were, the bird flew further and further away, and it eventually returned to where it belonged. 

With everyone else.

To their home.

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