((22)) Hope

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A/N: It's been a while. I want to thank all those who have been reading and commenting during my absence. I'm sorry it's been so long. I read through this story again to familiarize myself with it, but since I'm still getting back into the hang of writing it this chapter may not be the best. I recently changed my username to MoxiePoxy and later on I'll be posting an update on things writing-wise on my message board. Thank you to all of your support.

Some notes: We are still in Arc I of this story, chapter 18 was the mid-point plot-wise. If you're coming here to read this after the long break, you may have to refresh yourself like I did by rereading some of the past chapters.

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Aomine was the first one up, and looking wildly around he realized the creature and Kuroko were gone.

"Shit!" Dread swelled up nauseously in him causing his face to heat up. They'd been duped by that stupid thing. I should have killed it back then.

"My dagger is gone!" Kise's outlandish voice caused Aomine to look at the others. They were all rising and checking one another. The blunet narrowed his eyes at the clear injury Murasakibara was holding on his arm.

Akashi quickly assessed the situation, his eyes now narrowed like Aomine's. "The Tiger AniNervo took Kuroko." He sounded as pressed as Aomine felt.

"It took Kurokocchi?!" Kise's golden eyes were comically wide as he looked all around before finding the dropped flashlight and switching it on.

"They must have gone back to the surface." Midorima pointed up the slope they had just descended from.

"Let's follow. Atsushi, how's the wound?" Akashi's glance cut to the tallest member.

Murasakibara grimaced as he put more pressure on it to stop the blood flow. "It doesn't hurt too bad. Just need it bandaged."

After his muttering, Midorima was quick to dress the wound so they could head out.

The outside was dreary, and a dense fog started rolling in. The boys stayed close together and followed the only trail they had. Akashi struck his arm out and made a motion for them to stop.

"Midorima, there." The redheaded leader pointed to a mass up ahead.

It appeared to be bird AniNervos from what Midorima could tell through the binoculars he used. They were all fixated on something inside the building.

"That could be where Kurokocchi is!" Kise didn't know whether to be hopeful or not at that prospect. They would be fighting a lot more just to get their friend out of there.

Aomine's jaw tensed. "Then we need to make a plan now before those bird brains know we're here." And before they get to whatever they're after inside, was left unspoken but heard among the group.


Kuroko grunted as he managed to crush the Nexi of a mutated vulture when it got too close. The roars of the tiger mother fighting were close as she kept the birds at bay that got in. Once again, Kuroko turned to try to force the ledge up holding the cubs captive. With all his might he forced more strength into his body, and he tried to force out the concern he had as the concrete was able to scrape his flesh enough to bleed.

The cries only escalated as the smaller AniNervos tried to get free. Finally, one was able to wiggle free and slipped past Kuroko just as his arms gave completely out. He only caught a glimpse of the tiger before a loud cry startled him.

He moved quickly enough to hit the stray vulture AniNervo away. He could feel the small tiger cub curl behind him growling as he fought the bird away, but his strength just was not returning fast enough.

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