((16)) Monkey See

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[Disclaimer] I do not own these KnB boyz. All mine is the plot.


((16)) Monkey See

Akashi and Kuroko moved through the large department store, all the while feeling like they were being watched.

Kuroko felt uneasy, like they may be outnumbered by something but he did not see any threat.

They made their way to the back and started checking out the weaponry.

"Let's go ahead and take these, especially the ammo. We can always have the others come in here and get more if there's too much to carry." Akashi told him and Kuroko nodded as he busted the glass case and started loading up his extra bag with bullet ammo.

Akashi went through the 'Employees Only' door and saw there was even more in stock. As he stepped on the wooden floor, he noticed the board he was standing on top of was loose. Curious, the redhead threw back the shag carpet to reveal the old wood. He stared at it and noticed the corner of it stuck up; he carefully pried it up with his fingertips and shone his flashlight in the dark space underneath. He smiled when he first saw a polished and new-looking sniper rifle. What a wonderful gift to an old friend... He thought as he picked it up and found a case to put it in. He checked to make sure it was fully loaded first before checking out the rest of what was stashed away.

He found some canned foods and then an envelope that piqued his interest in how it didn't seem too old - the pen strokes having not faded yet with time.

He opened it fully and began to read it.

Dear Survivor,

If you're reading this then that means I am no longer here. Please take everything you can and RUN! Get out of here, nowhereissafe. Those things that came from the sky went into the zoo and started making the animals rabid - it made them into demons. They ravage this area now, please please you have to get out!

Akashi's hetero-chromatic eyes were wide and he instantly spotted the date the person left and realized it had been just a few months ago.

He quickly saved the letter as a memento of the lost and headed out to get Kuroko. He had to regroup with the others now. He wasn't sure if the wild animals were all still in this area, but he didn't want to risk it.

They could handle Nervos, and maybe even the small AniNervos by themselves, but lions and bears enhanced thanks to the Nexi possessing them? No, he didn't even want to think about that.


Akashi stopped at once when he took in the eerie stillness of the air and how Kuroko was facing away from him, tense and studying the ceiling.

"I thought something was off." Kuroko spoke quieter than usual and Akashi slowly raised his head to look at the ceiling. "We are surrounded."

Words never rang truer for the redheaded leader then in that moment. The ceiling was stripped of the tiles hiding the inner workings of the attic space. Perched on the beams above was such a large number of primates that Akashi couldn't get a definite number of how many there actually were. Their glossy eyes stared at them, none of them making a sound or even breathing.

It unnerved Akashi that they were just watching them.

"They seem to be a lot more intelligent than most..." Kuroko muttered as he studied them along with Akashi.

Akashi quietly and discreetly took out his pistol and moved closer to Kuroko. "Start moving slowly back to the entrance." Akashi spoke lowly so as not to deter the primate AniNervos.

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