((01)) Our World, Your Future

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A/N: Oh wow, thanks so much for all of your amazing support! This chapter opens up with the GoM, in a post-apocalyptic setting. Hope you enjoy~

A bit about Japanese talk:

-kun: usually used toward a boy of the same age or younger.

-san: usually used for those not well known or older.

-chin: a common suffix used as a preference over -san or -kun or -chan.

-cchi: personal preference, same as -chin.

•In Japan, last names are first and normally you always call someone by their last name rather than their first. You only call someone their first name without any honorary suffix (like at the top) when you personally know them.

[DISCLAIMER] I do not own the Kuroko no Basket characters.


((01)) Our World, Your Future 

Akashi Seijuro knew of two major annoyances for the day. One, Kise Ryouta was to be punished mercilessly (preferably right after this mission) for having interfere in almost all of his shots. Honestly, if the blond wasn't so good at what he does (besides being annoying) then Akashi would have just shot him down already. Two, the simple mission was turning out to be a more tedious task then he had expected, and thus the redheaded captain of the infamous 'Generation of Miracles' was forced to re-think already pre-formed strategies. Talk about a headache, and on top of that he has to put up with complete morons.

"Agh, dammit Kise! You made the gun overheat again!" That was Aomine Daiki, complaining at the blond who just skippered about using multiple weapons in an effort to drive the enemy mass away.

"But, Aominecchi!! I'm just doing my job here!" The blond pouted at the taller and darker blunet when he finished off the danger on his side.

"Do it right for once!" Aomine barked at the blond as he tossed the over-used gun to the side and grabbed a spare. There was a disgruntled noise from behind them as the sniper of the group walked up.

"Would you two just be quiet and learn to do your jobs? Do you even realize that you're attracting more of them by being so loud?" Midorima Shintaro pointed out as he pushed his glasses up his nose to conceal his frustration a bit. Not like it was helping much.

"Eh, Aka-chin I made another escape route." Came the lazy reply from the tallest person within the GoM, Murasakibara Atsushi.

"Well done, Atsushi. Now, toss this to the mass as a distraction." Akashi handed the giant purple-haired teen a strange circular device that shown in multiple colors. Murasakibara only gazed at it briefly before nodding. He threw the device straight into the large pile of mutated humanoid figures, and with two consecutive beeps, it exploded in a bright white light — and the teenagers made their escape at the harsh distraction of light and sound.

Akashi moved fast through the fallen buildings around them with the other four trailing after him. Murasakibara directed them to the tunnel he managed to find that would lead them to their underground base.

They all took one last fleeting glance at the darkening, murky sky of purple-blue before ducking down into the tunnel. Into the only safe place they've managed to salvage.

                                                     *   *   *

It was three years ago when the other dimension struck Earth's dimension. The two dimensions seemed to collide and almost fuse together. That was the dawning of the extinction of all living things on Earth. Before, there had been a rift and only half of the world had been affected by this strange, other plane of existence that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere in Earth's sky.

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