((15)) Attack

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A/N: Hey all~! Thank you all so much for your amazing support~!

[DISCLAIMER] I do not own these KnB boys. Plot of this fic belongs to me!


((15)) Attack

The world around them was cold and quiet, almost hollow-like despite the deteriorated buildings and landmarks closing in on them from all sides. It was all so empty that the group of teens huddled into themselves from that alone.

All but one; Kuroko was well-used to being all alone so it no longer fazed him. Even though he was the shortest and less-noticeable of the six, he walked tall and unhindered down the debris-littered path. Constantly focused and on-alert for any incoming threats of inhuman kind.

"Where to now, Midorimacchi?" Kise asked, better now after the whole tunnel ordeal - he still subconsciously stuck close to Kuroko though.

They stopped at a four-way traffic crossing as the green-haired sniper looked at the map they were going by for this district.

Already on the streets displayed was a course highlighted and Midorima looked toward the landmarks in sight to determine where they needed to go next.

"We need to take a left. That will lead us to the shopping district just before the zoo."

"Are we going to go by the zoo?" Kise spoke up, an excited, almost childish tone in his voice - one that even made Murasakibara's eyes spark.

The green megane looked at him, "There's no need to, what could a zoo have that we need?"

Kise thought a bit before responding. "It could have an underground layer - it could be like a second base!"

Akashi saw reasoning behind that and spoke up, "It wouldn't hurt to check the place out. If it doesn't prove fruitful, then we'll leave."

Midorima wanted to say something, but just bit his tongue and nodded. "Fine." He put up the map and they continued on their way.

Kuroko wasn't too sure on why Kise and Murasakibara seemed excited about this zoo, as he's never personally been to one. He knew it was a common dwelling built by man to hold rare species of animal for numerous reasons, one being an attraction for humans to see these animals.

Kuroko felt for these animals in some way, despite not actually ever being to a public zoo; he knew what it felt like to be a strange attraction. For curious spectators to look in on you as you were bound by a chamber, a supposed dwelling that wasn't really freedom.

They may be 'helping' you, but they were also helping themselves by exploiting selfish reasons and goals. It wasn't an ideal life to be treated as if you were nothing more than a prize.

A prize that was controlled.

The group soon came up to a street dedicated to shopping.

"Everyone has their radios?" Akashi asked and he received a group nod minus Kuroko. "Good. Signal us if you run into trouble. From here we will split into three groups of two; Atsushi and Shintaro, Ryouta and Daiki, and Kuroko will be with me."

Kise pouted. "But why can't Kurokocchi and I be paired up? Please, Akashicchi?"

The redhead glanced at him, standing tall despite his shorter stature. "My orders are final, Ryouta. This is for the good of the mission. You will see Kuroko when we re-group. I want each team to set a time of one hour, when the time is up we will all meet back here understood?"

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