Chapter 28

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Matt POV:

Seeing as we woke up crazy early to watch the sunrise, Leo still invited me over to his place. But we were both hungry due to only having tea and oreos, and it was still like 6:30 am, we decided to stop at a small coffee shop for breakfast and then we'd each go our way, but not before he promised to stop at my place before school so that we could go together.

Yes, school. I can't believe I forgot we had school. I'm seriously considering skipping only to spend the whole day sleeping. But no, I already skipped once, I'm not planning on doing it again anytime soon.

When we were leaving the coffee shop, I sent Mrs. Pemberton a text letting her know that I would stop by to pick Chris up, but she told me she would take him to school and that there was no need for me to stop there, so I went home and took a very much needed shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed and just as I was getting my backpack, someone knocks on the door.

I was hoping it woul be Leo, but instead on the the other side is Macy.

"Hey," she greets along with a hug. "Wanna get a ride to school with me?"

"Um...that's ok, I actually already have a ride."

"Oh, ok, that's cool. Who is it? If it's Harry, he can come too."

"No, it's ummm, actually, it's Leo. We're kind of back together again..." I answer, not being able to keep the smile from my face or the blush from my lips.

When Macy doesn't say anything I look at her, but her face shows nothing, she only looks tobe deep in thought, "Macy?" I ask, waving my hands in front of her face trying to get her attention.

"YES!" She screams. "I knew it was only a matter of time until you guys got back together. I'm really happy for you." 

As if to prove her point even further, she hugs me and whispers in my ear, her smile clearly there even though I can't see her face, "I really am glad you guys made up, you looked happier when you were with him. And that's all I want, it's for you to be happy. Even though I'm all for 'you are a strong, independant person who don't need no man', I'm still glad you guys made up!"

"Thanks, Macy. And thanks for being there for me through it all. You and John have been my rock. Even Harry was there if I needed."

"We'll always be here. Always."

I was about to say something when Leo's car parks in the driveway.

"Looks like your ride is here. I'll see at lunch," Macy says with a grin on her face. And so, with a happy smile on her face, a kiss on my cheek and a wave to Leo, she's off.

I get my back pack and go to meet Leo, who's waiting for me in his car.

"Hey," he greets once I'm sitting and ready to go.

"Hey," I answer back. 

The air around us is a little awkward, none of us really sure what to do. Should we go back to normal, to how it was before the break-up? Or we should we start again?

Questions, questions...

All my doubts disappear however, when Leo starts laughing. Why in the world is he laughing? Can he not feel my inner struggle? Damn him for being so hot while laughing.

I can't help but let a little smile slip onto my face, however.

"What?" I ask, with a chuckle. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because you had this weird, adorable look on your face. I could tell you were freaking out. No need to do so, though. know, if anything's bothering you, you can just talk to me, you know?"

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