Chapter 24

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A/N:I'm sorry if these chapters suck...I tried. Also, if you opened this chapter first, make sure to read the other one before this one first, so that there's no confusion!!

Matt's POV:

It's christmas vacation. A time for relaxation, where you don't have to worry about waking up early for class, or stressing over the crazy amount of homework the school enjoys giving.

But seeing as I still have my job at the café, I appreciate the days where I can sleep in, and Chris also knows that, so why oh-why, is someone ringing the doorbell like there's no tomorrow, at 7 am?!

I, very angrily I might add, get out of the bed and down the stairs to insistent change between ringing and knocking. Who is this mad person?!

I open to reveal, the only person capable of doing such a thing, to be honest. Don't know how I didn't think of it earlier.

Ladies, gentlemen and non-binary people, Harry Newman.

"Harry! What the heck?!"

"Ok, so like, I know we haven't known each other for long, but we're buddies and honestly you're adorable and sweet and from what I've seen, trustworthy and damn good friend, so I was hoping you could be my friend and help cause I think I may have royally fucked up and I don't know what to do."

After that I'm not even mad at him for waking me up early anymore. He looks really distressed, his purple hair  is all messed up, and not in the normal artistic way. Even his shirt buttons are buttoned unevenly. And that's like one of the biggest fashion no-nos for Harry. His words not mine.

"Harry, you know you can always come to me, now tell me what's up. You're kind of scaring me."

"Ok, so remember that date I had yesterday with the dude from college, right? Turns out, he's studying law, and like, that's amazing and I praise you dude, and he's still super hot, but like, what's with the boring, adult talk? And he was just complimenting himself and how great he was and let me tell you, that is not something I wanna talk about on a date. But then, guess who comes in. Freaking Carter. And so I was, thank God, he'll help me. Problem was, he was with some girl, probs on date considering they were being pretty cosy with her and all touchy feely, so my next escape plan was: bathroom window, so I went to the bathroom and just as I was about to jump off the window I hear a voice: ta du du du, there was Carter, looking at me with those gorgeous orbs of his. And little fun fact about me, I may have had a crush on him for like two years, give or take, and I've flirted with him like crazy and never got a reaction out of it so assumed he's not into guys, but when I explained the situation he didn't hesitate to help me, which made me like him even more! He's just so adorably and surprisingly shy and he blushes a lot and it was then that I realised that maybe it was more than a crush. So he helped me sneak out and took me home. Are you following? Should I keep going?"

"Yes I'm following, Harry. Don't worry."

Right now we're in the kitchen, Harry, very distressed looking, with a glass of water in his hand walking back amd forth and sitting, but never still and running his hands through his hair sometimes pulling it in frustration.

"Ok, so, when we got to my place I invited him inside to thank him and offered him cake and beer, because he is a teenager and my parents are on a business trip somewhere in Brazil, so I put on a movie and we watched and talked and enjoyed it and when I notice it we're not watching the movie anymore, but I'm very close to his face and he smells so good! And next thing I know we're making out and I'm legit on his lap and he's man handling me and he's the best kiss I've ever had and that's saying something, and we're both very much in the mood, if you know what I mean, and he just grabs my ass and carries me the fuck to my bedroom, after I tell him where it is, and let me tell you, I am not light so that was even hotter, and he was so good at what he was doing that I just notice what's happening, literally the moment he puts his di-"

Brains and Brawn (BxB)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ