Chapter 25

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Matt's POV:

New Year's, a time for new begginings. So maybe going out more often this year won't be so bad. 

And that's why I agreed to go to a party at Carters house with Leo, before school starts again next Monday. 

I'm not usually one for parties, I don't really see how fun it is and I must say I have a bad feeling about this one, but Leo invited me, telling me he wanted me to go out with me, so obviously, being the sucker in love that I am, I accepted. That and the fact that we dind't go to a big party on new year's because I wanted to stay with Chris, so we ended up spending it with his family.

And now, here I am, standing in a corner, being my awkward self, waiting for Leo to come back with our drinks.

"Here you go," he says once he comes back. "Your coke with lemon. No alcohol."

"Thank you," I answer, with a smile. "You know, you didn't have to bring me with you, you know? It's not like I was going to break up with you if you came by yourself."

"Trust me, I know. But I wanna be able to show my gorgeous boyfriend around," he jokes and gives me a little peck on the lips. Well, it starts as a little peck, but soon evolves into a more heated kiss when I wrap my arms around his neck and start kissing with more passion. Usually I'm not a fan of PDA, but c'mon, how can you not when your super hot boyfriend tells you things like that?

We were enjoying our little corner makeout session when we're interrupted by someone poking us. We break apart to see Jackson there with a grumpy looking Carter not far behind him.

"Hey guys, what's up?!" Jackson says enthusiastically. From the corner of my eye I can see Carter rolling his eyes not that subtlety, obviously knowing they interrupted a moment.

"Obviously something that requires not being interrupted," Leo mumbles and I blush with a little smile playing at my lips.

"So," Jackson continues, pretending not to have heard anything even though I can tell he heard what Leo said. "You guys up for a little game of beer pong?"

Carter seems to have had enough of this conversation seeing as he simply turns around and walks away, choosing to sit in a couch that was pushed as far as the wall would allow it, probably disposed like that for the party.

"Sure, you up for it?" Leo asks me.

"Um, no that's ok. But you guys go ahead and play, I'll go look around for either Macy or Ethan," I answer. I know Leo wants to go with Jackson, even though he seems a little hesitant to leave me alone, so I stand on my tip toes a little and give him a kiss to assure him that I'm indeed fine with his decision to go. Before he has a chance to ask me if I'm sure, I leave after giving him a smile.

I decide that now is my chance to finally have a normal conversation with Carter other than a hello.

So I decide to go over and sit next to him on the couch, "Hey."

"Leo is at the kitchen, it's that way," he answers barely looking at me while pointing in the general direction of the kitchen. 

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you, i-if that's ok."

"Me? What about?" He asks, genuinely confused.


You can immediately see Carter tensing at the mention of his name. "What about Harry?"

"It's ok, Carter, you can breathe. Harry told me what happened between you two. I'm not here to judge or anything, let alone tell you what to do, I have no right to do so. I'm just here to tell you that if you ever need anyone to talk to, or just listen to you rant, that I'm here. And I know you have Leo and Jackson and all, but I just wanted you to know that." I have to scream a little because of the music, but not that much. I can tell he heard everything I said. After a while of silence I figured he wasn't gonna talk so I get up to leave, only to be stopped by a hand on my arm.

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