Chapter 3

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"What if he opens the book and sees all the doodles I made of him and will know exactly who drew them and the shows everyone and BAM! everyone knows have a major crush on the school's quarterback!" And that is only one of the many thought going through my mind as I  sit in 3rd period History. I have PE with him after this class, maybe I can take it then once in the locker rooms... that's an idea.

I followed him the last break to see where he had his class but couldn't do anything...

As soon as the bell for this period rang, I went to the classroom where I last saw him and got there, precisely at the time he was leaving. So, being the ninja that I am, I followed him. I didn't even I have to be sneaky seeing as I'm invisible most of the time, because you know...I'm nerdy, and nothing special worth the time to look at... just lil' ol' Matthew, with the boring brown eyes and the boring brown hair...

I see him going inside the bathroom, so I panicked and went inside too. As soon as I got in, I hid in one of the bathroom stalls, trying not to be seen.

I wait a few seconds for him to leave and notice he's taking a long time, so I open the door of the stall a little and peep outside and notice he's just going to wash his hands and we make brief eye contact through the mirror, so I quickly close the door and take a deep breath..."That was close," I think.

I wait for a little while and then exit the bathroom and go to my next class, which just so happens to be PE with Leo. As soon as I get inside the locker rooms I instantly go inside one of the stalls, seeing as I don't like to change in front of everyone. I've never been really comfortable with my body. I'm not buff like half the guys in that locker room, so I prefer to change inside the stall. It's just safer. And at least this way, there's a bigger chance I won't get bullied. I don't need my self esteem to drop even further down. That and the fact that it would not be very easy to stay in the closet if I suddenly got a boner in the middle of a room full of half naked boys...

  I finish getting ready and check to see if the locker room is empty. It is, thank God.

Then just as I exit the stall, I feel a hand on my arm spinning me around and pressing me against the wall, one hand holding my shirt collar and the other on the wall next to my head. I let out an embarrassing squeak and look up and I'm looking directly into those beautiful emerald green eyes of none other than Leonardo Bryant. I immediately blush and look down embarrassed by the close proximity. He forces me to look up at him by holding my chin, and seeing  as he's like, a giant, i have to bend my neck quite a lot. I'm not exactly short, but I'm not super tall like him.

As I look into his eyes, I notice an unfamiliar emotion. It kinda looks like...amusement? Then suddenly he asks:

"Are you stalking me, Matthew?"He asks. His warm breath hitting my face and I smell his minty breath and also a hint of...apples?

"Y-you k-know my name?" I ask. Oh, crap, I'm stuttering, hooray. Why am I so nervous. Like, take a chill pill, Matt. Oh, great, now my hands are sweating too! Just my freaking luck!

"Well, we've been having classes together for a while now, it's only normal I know your name," he answers.

"Oh," it's all I say, genuinely surprised that he knows my name and trying to hide how happy I actually am by the fact that HE KNOWS MY NAME! I mean I never thought he noticed me... I'm

 "So? Why are you stalking me?" He asks me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"W-what?! No! God, I-I'm not stalking you!"

"I saw you following me after math and then to the bathroom. I'm not dumb you know?"

"Yes! Of course I know that!"

"Then why are you denying it? I saw you following me, you can't deny it."

"O-ok, you see, during math class Laurel kind of tripped me, which is totally normal, but whatever," I start rambling, a habit I have when I'm nervous." and I dropped my books and I must have missed that notebook, 'cause when I saw you picking up your things, I noticed you were picking up my notebook, which is a black one, with a leather cover and I just wanted it back...", I finish in a small voice, with a blush covering my cheeks. I bite my lip (another nervous habit of mine), nervously waiting for his answer.

"Why didn't you just ask for it, then?"He asks.

"O-oh, y-you see, I umm..."

Then he suddenly leaves and I immediately miss his warmth, and opens a locker I'm going to assume is his and searches his backpack and return with my notebook.

"Is this the book you're referring to?" He asks.

"YES! I mean, yes, that is my notebook. You, umm, didn't happen to look inside did you?"

"Only the first few pages. I was looking for a name."

"Oh ok," I say relieved. The first few pages only have notes, totally doodle free. I then bite my lip again, not knowing what do next.

Then I  look up at him and see his eyes darken, so I immediately think I made him mad, but the he lifts his hand and pulls my bottom lip out from in between my teeth and says, "Don't do that." 

Then he just back away and leaves. When I'm just about to relax, he looks inside the locker rooms again and says over his should:" By the way, nice drawings... not perfect but you could definitely tell what was what and who was who. You even noticed the scar on my chin," then he just leaves and I finally release the breath I didn't know I was holding.

Shit! Now he knows! Ain't that just bananas?! - Note the sarcasm.

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