Haven Loves Niall.

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Niall POV

"Did you not like the kiss?" I get out of my daze and look at Haven, "No, I liked it. Let's go downstairs and get started on the pizzas."

We finish up making the pizzas after an hour. We are now sitting in my room in the bed eating. "Haven, what else do you know about kissing?" She looks up from her food, "You kiss when you like someone." I nod my head, "Do you think you can only kiss on the cheek?" She shakes her head, "No, you can also kiss on the lips."

She takes a sip of her drink, "I know what love is, I think." I thought I told Jay not to say anything to her about this stuff, "You do? Who told you?" She holds up her iPad, "I looked it up. It means deep feelings or affection."

I shake my head, "That's the book version. The true definition of love is when the time with that person is so special that you wouldn't change anything. Love is when you just want to see that person happy and smiling at or with you. Love is when your heart speeds up every time you see or hear that person. Love is when you only see that person. Love is when you don't try to change that person, you love that person the way they are. Loving someone can make you grow as a person or break you. That is love."

She nods her head, "Don't kiss just anybody." She quickly shakes her head, "I only want to kiss you, no one else." I finish up my food and put my plate on my nightstand, "I know we just talked about me not leaving you, but you'll have to be on your own one day." I see hurt and fear cross her face, "I don't want to, I want to stay with you, forever."

I take her plate and set it on the floor, "You have to find someone other than me. You don't want to be with me." Her eyes start filling up with tears, "Yes, I do. I don't want anybody else." I run my fingers through my hair tiredly, "You only want to be with me, because I'm the only person you ever got close with. You'll have to get to know other people and one day you'll like someone so much that you would want to hang out with them more than me."

Her tears start falling and she quickly gets off the bed, "I don't want to!" She runs off to her room, I hear her door slam and I sit back on the bed. This is what's best for her, I don't want to keep her away from the world. I'm only taking care of her, aren't I? I'm the only person she's ever opened up to, I'm the only person she's ever expressed her feelings to. She has to get to know other people.

I turn the lights off and lay down. Seconds later I am taken over with sleep.

Next Morning

I wake up from hearing something drop in my bathroom. I sit up and wipe my sleep away. "Rafiki, what are you doing?" Jay comes out, "I'm not your monkey."

Confusion cross my face, "What are you doing here?" He crosses his arms as he leans against the wall, "You texted me last night telling me what happened between you and Haven. You most likely met to text Rylee, but instead, I received the text." I stand up and walk to the bathroom. I do my morning routine and then walk to my closet. I grab a blue suit and put it on.

I put my hair in a low ponytail, "I have to wake Haven up, she's most likely upset with me still." He follows me to Haven's room, "Why did you say all of that? Why didn't you let her figure it out herself?" Before opening Haven door I look at him, "Because I felt like it's best if I tell her now, instead of waiting."

I open the door and he laughs, "You're either very blind or very stupid." I sit down on the bed and shake a sleeping Haven, "Haven, wake up." Her eyes flutter open and she flinches away from me. I'm not going to lie, that actually hurt me a little. The last time she flinched away from me was when I first started taking care of her. "Go away."

I clear my throat, "Do you want Jay to stay in here and pick out your clothes?" She nods her head and I felt like I just got shot, "Okay, just come out with your brush and I can do your hair." I walk out after that and I take a deep breath. She rejects me but accepts Jay.

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