cнαpтєя 12 (Image of Jake)

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This chapter is dedicated to @FallenAngel227 << She is absolutely amazing and I love her for the support she has been giving me, I really appreciate it so here's to you my lovely<33

[Re-cap]- I screamed to the cold shivers I got from whatever was chucked at me. His face was as shocked as mine as we got up immediately.

Looking at my dress in total shock, my mouth swung open.....There I was covered in blue slushie.


I stood there frozen in a standing position as I breathed heavily due to the cold liquid/ice that ran down my body. It almost felt like I was standing in Antarctica as the cold breeze hit the ice against my body that gave me dangerous shivers.

My dress was certainly ruined without even giving it a second glance.

Everyone circled around this little scene I was involved in, some looked at me with the same expression as my face-shocked- and some laughing and pointing in my face- How embarassing!

The thing I did'nt know was if the person did this on purpose or was it an accident but seeing people's expressions--It was definately done deliberately.

I couldn't think, and I certainly couldn't move even though I felt like running home; I couldn't even look at Liam, that's how embarrased I felt. I closed my eyes, keeping the tears back when the same familiar masculine voice started causing me to look at him.

"Sasha??!!" He said as if saying it to himself in such shock and disbelief he had to look away and then back at her to believe his eyes.

"I know, uhm sorry but there just wasn't enough fun" She giggled with a bunch of familiar girls, I suddenly turned around to face Sasha but my eyes stopped on Tara instead; she gave me a evil smile that read a silent laughter and I just wanted to karate kick her into the swimming pool.

There was Sasha, yy ex-best friend standing with Tara, the enemy and the group..wait am I seeing things right?

Oh god..Tara knew Sasha broke up with me and now is using her against me?!

I had to resist the urge of not breaking down, I felt so betrayed and..alone, I didn't know what to do anymore. It's the like the invisible walls around me were closing in on me, leaving me trapped and hard for me to breath.

It was just such an humiliating, most hurtful experience I had to face in my entire school life. It was an experience with a variety of emotions and feelings wanting to just burst at the same time.

"What the hell Sasha! I expected better from you, just shows what a fake friend you really were..Stay away from her" Jake popped out of the crowd and looking at her in disgust.

I glanced my last look at her as I saw the pity in her eyes as she tried to look confident and bad but I knew her too well.

I sighed wishing I hadn't come in the first place when two hands placed my shoulders and dragged me away from the whispering crowd that I stood in.

"Jessie are you alright?" He asked with such concern. I didn't even realize Jake had walked upto me. I didn't respond due to all the thoughts that were flowing through my head when he shook me from the shoulders slightly and hissed "Jessie?" getting my attention this time.

"Huh..uhm yeah I'm fine, just take me home, I knew I shouldn't have come" I said holding back the tears, I hated people seeing me cry, I didn't want them to see my weak side even though it's just Jake but still I didn't want anyone's sympathy right now.

"Hey it's not your fault okay, you didn't know she'd do this..none of us did, well she's definately out of our lives now, she's showed her true colours" He explained slightly pulling me into a little hug and leading us out of the house. "One second I think I left my mobile at the bar" He said leaving me by the entrance of the house.

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