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Plum opened her eyes , she felt a strange weakness in her body like all her energy was drained, she felt sad too. She looked around to find that she was in her room and that comforted her, the sheets smelled of Arsenio's heady scent and she knew she was home. She moaned softly at the comfort.

"After giving everyone so much of tension and having a panic attack yourself, you seem to be enjoying yourself in that warm comforter," she heard Arsenio San drawl. Plum sat up straight quickly and turned to him, he was standing at the entrance of the room, she stared at her hands and pouted. She had never had a panic attack before.

"Care to share what troubles you, Mr O'Hara was here as well and he said it was a pretty intensive session today," he said, "is that true?"

She nodded, Arsenio sighed and sat beside her. He took her hand in his.

"What was it?"

"I confronted some very bad memories,"

"What were they?"

"Dad's death," she whispered.

"Care to share those with me? Maybe it will make you feel less sad,"

"We were in a room, my house I think and he told me to hide under the bed and stay their till either him or Momma come and tell me to be out, I hid under the bed and some men came inside. I remember that only one of them did the talking, he had a South American accent and he wanted that island,"

"Which island?"

"The island that is in your name after we got married,"


"Yes, so he wanted that island from my father, some drug business and when my father refused then he shot him," Plum whimpered.

"I am sorry sweetheart; do you remember anything else about that man? His name or anything else for that matter..."

"It was Matteo,"

She felt Arsenio San still behind her and she turned to him. There was a very angry look on his face and she brought her hand to his face. He looked down at her and just placed a kiss on her lips.

"Do you know this man?" Plum asked carefully.

"I do," he said, "he happens to be my father."


"Was this a ploy Dae Jung, to be rid of that island?" Arsenio snarled.

They were all currently seated in the living area with Hector sitting beside a distraught Plum. She was not pleased that her uncle was here but she didn't say that. It had just been revealed to her that Arsenio's father had killed her own. It was all so scary. Arsenio had then called Dae Jung home, even Roman and Damon were on their way. It all seemed so important but in reality it was just frightening.

"When Baby's mother passed away she had told me that this island needs to be in your name, so that Baby didn't have the world's scariest mob leader after her,"

Her cheeks flamed, her pet name was Baby, everyone in the family called her only that, it was a very affectionate name. she was the youngest in the family and hence the Baby. She discreetly looked at Hector who too seemed to be trying to keep his smile at bay.

"Don't Hector," she pouted, "it is embarrassing as is."

"Ok... Baby," he snickered quietly.

"But if you wanted Plum to not have the island and stay away from this entire drama, then why did you plan her to get married to me!"

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