Chapter Three ~ Different Destination

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"Timothée if I go with you I need you to promise my family will be safe can you do that for me?"

"Yes I can call up some buddies of mine and they will watch your family I promise now we need to go their coming"

I stand there until I feel his warm hand on my shoulder and I follow Timothée down the stairs we ran so fast it felt like only seconds had past until we were outside. Once we were outside the we ran into the woods but I was quickly getting tired and weak so Timothée had to carry me on his back.

"Timothée we can't run forever where are we even going?"

"To a friends they can keep us safe while the Government is on our trail"

I could feel myself slowly drifting to sleep but happily Timothée was strong enough to carry me.

                                •       •        •
I woke up in a strange bed until I jolted up remembering everything that just happened I got up out of the bed and snuck out of the room. The house was nice it was more of a cottage very woody and homely I found the kitchen where Timothée and a mysterious girl was for some reason jealousy started to boil up inside of me seeing them together but I stayed behind the wall to listen to what they were saying.

"She's not safe here they're gonna come looking and they won't stop till they have her" the mysterious girl had black long hair and a couple tattoos.

"That's why we need to train her if she learns how to use her powers she'll be able to defend herself against them and anyone else"

"Come on Tim you don't really think she'll be able to control herself she's so young I mean shit you weren't able to control yourself at that age no one could"

"She's different, she has something that we didn't"

"And what's that?"

"She has a heart, she has hope"

Author-Chan 💓
I'm back I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to write but I lost interest in writing for awhile but I'm back and I promise I'm gonna try and write more chapters.

FBI Boy (Timothée Chalamet x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora