Chapter Two ~ Tears, Taken, and Terror

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I quickly get out of that hospital bed and my bare feet touches the floor and I start shaking out of fear and coldness.

Now when he looks at me I don't feel warmth until he stops rushing to see me standing in fear staring at him.

"I'm sorry it's just those Agents aren't what you think they are, I just need to get you out of here before they come back and when we're gone I'll explain everything to you"

"How can I trust you? You work with them"

"They didn't take my powers away, but they want to take yours"

"Powers what do you mean powers?"

"You don't know? Well I'll explain it to you on the way out"

Powers? What was he talking about it's weird even though we've only known each other for a few hours I trust him.

I quickly rush looking for my clothes, finally I find them laying neatly folded on the floor so I began to put them on there just the normal black ripped jeans and a white t-shirt.

Then I put my shoes on all while I'm still hooked up to the IV trying not to set off any of the machines. I look at Timothée and he stares at me we sit there for a couple minutes then I feel a slight pinch on my left arm he took the IV out causing every machine in the room to beep profusely.

Timothée grabs my hand already holding all of my stuff except my phone and he drags me out of the hospital room.

Now I would normally go back and grab my phone because I'm so attached to it, but for some reason I know why he left it behind.

Once we're in the hospital hallway we're stuck the only way out of the hospital is to go down the elevator and through the cafeteria where everyone including the Agents that want to take me away are.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Timothée can obviously tell that I'm scared because he pulls me closer to him, but since I was a bit scared of him too I pulled away.

"I have a plan" Timothée walks away letting your hand loose leaving you there standing in the hallway alone.

"Y/N come here I found a staircase" You hear Timothée but now it's your turn to choose if you want to stay and wait to be taken away or go with this mysterious but trusting guy that you just met.

Hello my fellow Homo sapiens I'm so sorry if this chapter is a bit confusing also I'm sorry if it really short. I'm still trying to figure out a couple things I know it's a bit sucky but I promise the next chapter will be better.

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