Chapter 40

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A/N: I'm sorry it has been so long since I've had an actual update. Don't hate me when I say this – but I really haven't felt like writing. *winces back so I don't get hit* Also, I'm trying to figure out where I want to go with this... I have a few ideas, but I'm not sure which way to go yet... Anyway...

Wow, we are 40 chapters into this thing. I find this amazing... I will have a brief authors note at the end, so please read it – I'm going to be asking some questions for my amazing readers.

Oh, and one last thing – this chapter is dedicated to @JasPayne23, for joining the band of followers, and blowing up my notifications a few days ago from all her votes and comments. Thank you, love.

-Elizabeth's POV-

“He has you brothers.” Kol mumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear. I sat there in shock for a minute.

“W-what? Why?” I finally stuttered out.

“He needs to kill vampires to complete his mark, that will lead to the cure and to Silas.” Kol said. My head shot up at the mention of Silas.

“Silas? What does he have to do with anything?” I asked.

“Apparently, he is the guardian of the cure.” Kol said. We looked at each other, and I knew we were both thinking the same thing – Silas could not be woken. I thought back to when we heard of Silas.


Kol and I were ravaging New Orleans together, when we found a band of witches. We snuck up on them, but they sensed us.

Come on out, vampires. We have been waiting for you.” the older lady in the middle of the group called out. Kol and I looked at each other, and nodded. We strolled out.

What is you want, witches.” Kol said, looking around at them. I kept my face emotionless, as I really didn't care much for what they had to say. I admired witches, as I knew Kol did, but my admiration came from my old friend Emily – Kols' was from his childhood, Ayana and his mother.

We have come together tonight to speak of a great danger, which is being hunted for mistakenly.”

And that is?” Kol asked.

Silas.” the witches hissed, saying it like a curse.

Who is this Silas?” I asked.

The witches then explained about the immortal creature who would bring about the end of the world if he was awoken. Kol and I both paid attention, and heeded their warning.

We killed them to keep anyone else from learning of Silas, and quickly hunted down anyone looking for him.

*Flashback Ended*

“So this hunters mark leads to the cure?” Elijah asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at Kol, and could tell he had been thinking of the same thing.

“It is part of the puzzle.” Klaus answered. I looked at him, confused how he knew this.

“I killed the original Five, love. I know all about their mission to find the cure, and how they were to accomplish it.” he said. I nodded.

“So the hunter needs his mark to complete his mission. And he needs to kill vampires to complete his mark. So he is going to kill my brothers?” I asked worriedly. Kol sighed.

“I think he is using them to draw all of us in, too. He knows you are his sister – he has a massive amount of research on all of us – and he had a White Oak Stake in his possession – don't ask me how, I don't know. So, if he gets us all there and kills us, he could complete his mark.” Kol said. We all stared at him.

“So what do we do?” I asked finally.

“We can't risk it.” Klaus finally said.

“WHAT? Klaus, he has my brothers!” I exploded, turning to him. Klaus shrugged.

“I know. But we can't risk all of our lives for theirs.” Klaus said. I glared at him.

“So your solution is too let my brothers die?” I asked. He nodded.

“I'm sorry, love. But I can't risk my life, or those of my family – you included – for yours.” he said. I looked around at he others. Their eyes held pity, but I knew they would do nothing to risk their own lives for people who had tried to end theirs. I stood up, and marched out of the room, heading to the door.

Before I could open the door, an arm was around me, spinning me around.

“And where do you think you're going?” Klaus asked, eyes blazing.

“If none of you will help them, I will.” I said, determined. Klaus glared.

“No you will not. I will not let you put your life in danger.” Klaus said.

“THEY'RE MY BROTHERS!” I shouted. Klaus sighed.

“I didn't want to do this...” he muttered, so quietly I almost didn't hear it. He looked at me, staring into my eyes.

“You will go to my bedroom, and stay in there until I come to get you. You will not try to leave.” he said, compelling me.

“I will go to your room and stay there. I will not try to leave.” I repeated in a monotone. Klaus nodded, then let me go. I started walking up the stairs. I noticed the others in the room looking at Klaus, mouths agape.

“Did you just...?” Bekah started, when she thought I was out of earshot.

“I compelled her. Yes.” Klaus said.

“She is going to hate you for that.” Kol growled. I could tell he was angry at Klaus for it himself. Klaus sighed.

“I know.” he said. “But I'd rather have her hate me and be unharmed than for her to go on a suicide mission.”

I walked into my room and closed the door, sitting on my bed. I listened extra hard to hear what was going on downstairs. I heard Klaus walk into another room, possibly his studio, which I knew he had in every house he owned – painting was one of his releases. It sounded like Bekah went into the kitchen, maybe for some blood. Elijah came upstairs and went to the library. And it sounded like Kol went to the lounge room, probably to drink. No one was paying any attention to me, thinking I was compelled and would make no move to escape.

What they didn't know was that I had been drinking vervain.

A/N: Okay, so I know it was short, and kind of sucky, and I left you on a major cliffhanger. But I still hope you enjoyed it.

Now for some questions for my readers. I would really appreciate answers for these, so please help.

Question 1: Should I end this book soon and start a sequel, or just continue with this book?

Question 2: Do you guys want to see Haley in this story in some form?

I hope you guys take some time to answer these. I really want to hear you answers. It might help make up my mind which path to take this story... Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will try to update again soon! Until next time!

The Other SalvatoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora