Chapter 6

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-Elizabeth’s POV-

“WHAT!?!” everybody shouted at once. I cringed, and noticed how everybody looked over at our table.

“SHHH! People are staring.” I said, looking around. All of them looked shocked. Tyler looked shocked, but strangely interested. Jeremy just looked flabbergasted. Matt, Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena looked disgusted. But the one that hurt the most was Stefan. He looked… disappointed.

“I hadn’t fed in awhile. When that happens, I tend to… disconnect people’s heads.” I said, looking down. “Normally, I can control it enough to just suck them dry. But, as I said, I hadn’t fed in awhile. I didn’t disconnect the girls head today.” Well, maybe a little, but it was still attached.

Nobody said anything, so I looked up. They all had the same looks on their face. It looked like Matt had scooted away as much as possible - he was practically on top of Bonnie. Their looks started to make me mad.

“Look, I can’t control myself when I feed. I’ve tried for over a century. It isn’t the easiest in the world, especially when you love someone who encourages this type of thing!!!” I yelled, then realized my mistake. Before anyone could say anything, I got up and ran out of the cafeteria.

“Lizzie!” Stefan called after me, but I ignored him, and fled to the safety of my car. I didn’t know if I was going to leave yet or not, but I just needed sometime to myself.

Unfortunately, Stefan had other things in mind. He came to my car, opened my door, and pulled me out into his tight embrace.

“It’s okay, Lizzie. No one is judging you.” he whispered.

“Everyone’s judging me!” I cried. “Everyone was disgusted, and you're disappointed, and…and…” I couldn’t continue. I just buried my head into his shoulder and sobbed.

“Shh… Lizzie. It’s going to be okay. We can help.” Stefan whispered, holding me tight. I nodded, enjoying his comforting hug. The problem was, did I want to be helped?

As we’re standing there, Stefan’s phone rang. He looked at it and grimaced.

“I’ve got to answer this... he said, shifting me, so he still had one hand around my waist and my head was leaning on his shoulder. I just nodded, and closed my eyes.

“Damon.” he said, answering his phone. My eyes shot open and I looked at him. He looked at me and mouthed ‘shhh.’ I nodded, but listened in to their conversation.

“Brother. They’ve found another body. The head wasn‘t fully detached, but almost.” I sighed, hearing Damon’s voice. Oh, how I had missed that soothing tone. 

Stefan looked at me for confirmation that it was my body. I nodded, and he sighed. He turned back to his conversation.

“Damon, don’t worry…”

“DON’T WORRY?! Stefan, this is the second body in two days. Whoever this is out of control. I’m not waiting for you. I’m going over to the Mikealson’s now to ask them about it.” My heart fluttered, but I ignored it.

“Damon, don’t do that. It’s not any of the Mikaelson’s. I know who it is, but you’re going to have to wait until after school.” Stefan said. Damon sighed.

“Alright Brother. But you better know what your doing. We can’t let this get out of control. The Council is already curious, and itching to take action.” Damon replied. Stefan sighed.

“Just get them under control. We can handle this.” Stefan said, then hung up. He turned to look at me.

“Two in the course of 24 hours?” he asked. I looked down sheepishly.

“I fed again this morning, to make sure I didn’t hurt anyone today. I can control myself, but I figured, better safe then sorry.” I murmured. He nodded, then kissed my forehead. 

“We’ll figure this out.” he said as the bell rang. “But for now, we have to get to class.” I nodded, and we walked back into the school.

A/N: Three in one day? What the what? Haha. I wanted to post some stuff, since I didn't do any yesterday. I want to try to upload at least one chapter a day. As for this one, I just wanted to continue with everyone's reaction to Elizabeth's statement. Also, I wanted to bring Damon in a little. Next chapter will probably be a long one. Elizabeth and Damon will be reunited (yay), and we will learn some more about Elizabeth's past. Hope everyone is ready for. Idk if it will go up yet tonight, or if it won't be until tomorrow... We'll see. As always, let me know what you think...

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