Chapter 4

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-Elizabeth’s POV-

I’m woke up the next morning by my alarm.

“UGH. I don’t want to.” I moaned as I looked at my clock. 6 a.m. I rolled back over, and attempted to go back to sleep. Then I remembered that today was my first day of school. 

“UGH. I REALLY don’t want to.” I moaned again as I made myself roll out of bed. I shuffled into my bathroom and took a shower. When I got out, I dried my hair and curled it. Then the matter of my outfit came into play. Hmm… I settled on my favorite black shirt. It was lacy, and cut low enough to expose just a hint of cleavage. Might as well give the humans a little something to look at. I paired it with a pair of black skinny jeans, and my favorite black high heeled boots. I looked killer - ha-ha, ripper pun. I quickly did my make-up, then grabbed my bag and headed to the door.

“Bye Mrs. Anderson. Remember not to let anyone in!” I called over my shoulder.

“Goodbye, dear. I won’t let anyone in.” she called. I walked out to my Camaro and drove away.

As I drove I thought about all those kids at school. Shit, I should have fed again. It would be much easier to not kill someone at school if I had fresh blood in my system.

I looked at the clock. 6:30. School started at 7:00. If I was quick, and didn’t make too much of a mess, I could feed and still make it to school. Good thing I always kept spare clothes in my car for times like this. I drove fast, nearly 80 mph, towards the next town over. I got out and changed my clothes, then looked for someone to eat. I found a girl walking by herself, probably heading towards school. I smiled. So the hunt begins.

-Elena’s POV-

I had spent the night at the boarding house. I wasn’t close enough to Stefan yet after his ripper binge, and I definitely was NOT sleeping with Damon, so I had spent the night in a spare room. As I woke up, I could hear yelling downstairs. I quickly got ready for school, then flew down the stairs.

“I thought you were over that!? I thought you were trying to be hero Stefan again and go back on the bunny!?” Damon yelled.

“I AM! It wasn’t me!” Stefan yelled back.

“What’s going on?” I asked. The brothers turned to me, Stefan with an anxious look, and Damon with a smirk on his face.

“Looks like your one true love can’t get over his urge to rip people’s heads off.” Damon said as he throw the paper at me. On the front page was a picture of a corpse without a head and a headline that read Horrific Death. Coroner Rules Animal Attack.  I looked at Stefan with tears in my eyes.

“You did this. I thought you were over this.” I whispered. Damon frowned, and looked at the ground. Stefan had a look of horror and sadness on his face.

“Elena, I promise it wasn’t me. I am over doing…that. I promise.” he said, starting to walk towards me. I back up. He stopped, hurt reflecting in his eye.

“Who else could it be, Stefan? Who else would do something like this?” I asked.

“I don’t know, but I swear to you it wasn’t me. I WILL find who is doing this and they will be stopped.” he said to me. “Now we need to get to school. Come on.” he turned to the door and walked out, without looking back. I looked at Damon.

“Do you believe him?” I asked.

“Strangely, yes. There was no remorse shown with this killing, and that’s not Stefan’s style. Also, he seemed genuinely concerned over it, and your reaction.”

“So, is there another ripper in town?” I asked worriedly.

“It looks like it. You guys go to school, I’ll start hunting.” Damon said, looking at me. “I promise, we will find them. Whoever they are, they will not hurt you, or any of your friends.”

“Thank you. See you later.” I said turning around, and walking out to the car. This day didn’t start out the best, but I don’t think it could get any worse.

-Elizabeth’s POV-

I changed out of my bloody clothes - so much for not making a mess - and back into my school clothes. I had just finished my meal, and again, just left the body to be found. I really didn’t care about any mass hysteria it might cause.

As I got back into my car, I fixed my hair and make-up. I looked at the clock. 7:45. Good. Quick and easy. Now to get to school. I turned my car around and drove towards school.

As I pulled into the parking lot, everybody turned and stared. I didn’t know if it was my car, or because I was new. Maybe both.

“Great. Let’s just get this over with.” I said to myself, then I stepped out of the car.

Anyone who wasn't looking before was definitely looking now, and I saw a lot of raised eyebrows, and dropped jaws. I also heard quite a bit of whispering.

“Is she new?”

“Wow, she’s pretty.”

“DUDE, SHE’S HOT!!” That one resulted in the guy getting smacked by a blonde chick, maybe his girlfriend, who then turned and looked my up and down, as if analyzing me. She noticed me looking, and glared. I smiled sweetly and walked towards the office. The same lady I talked to yesterday was sitting behind her desk. I walked up to her and cleared my throat to get her attention.

“Hi, I’m here to pick up my schedule. Elizabeth Salvatore.” I said, smiling sweetly. She looked at me, then back down at her desk.

“Ah yes. Here it is. All your paperwork is done, so you're all set.” she said.

“Thank you.” I replied, and before she could say another word, I walked out.

My first class was History. Perfect. I walked towards the classroom. As I walked, I got a lot of stares from people hurrying by to get to class.

As I got to the classroom, I looked and saw everyone was inside already. Good. Time for my grand entrance. I opened the door and strutted towards the teacher.

“Hi, I’m Elizabeth. I’m new here.” I said, with a huge smile on my face, handing him the paper I was supposed to give to all of my teachers..

“Hello, I’m Mr. Saltzman. Welcome to Mystic Falls.” he started, then looked down at the paper. A frown came onto his face, and he looked at me confused, then at someone else in the class.

I followed his eyes. The first person I saw was Kath… I mean Elena. That wasn’t a huge surprise, as I had gotten every class with her. But the person sitting next to her - he was the one that made my jaw drop and tears come to my eyes.


A/N: Cliffhanger. So she finally know Stefan is alive. How will they both react? What will happen next?

What is everybody thinking so far? Any suggestions on where you want the story to go? I have a general idea of where I want it to go, but I am always open to suggestions too… As always, let me know what you think.

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