Chapter 16

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-Elizabeth's POV-

After I talked with Elena, I helped Kol clean up the mess we had made. We didn't talk as we worked, but I knew he was curious as to my reaction and reasoning. Finally, I couldn't take it.

“Just say what you're thinking, Kol. Spit it out!” I whisper yelled. He glanced over at me, then dropped the bodies in the lake. Finally, he turned to face me.

“I just don't understand why you stopped when that human girl found us. Why not kill her or compel her, and get back to it. We were almost done with that group anyway...” he said. I sighed.

“She's... “dating” one – maybe both – of my brothers. I don't know, it's a complicated relationship. But what I do know, is I love my brothers, and I've missed them. If she makes them happy, I want to be on her good side, even if that means stopping mid-spree. I explain. “Besides, we can still have fun without killing people. I saw a club a few towns over while driving through. I think that it's open until sunrise.” I said, smirking. He looks at me and nods.

“Understood. As for the club – let's do it!” We smiled at each, then finished dropping the bodies over the side of the bridge into the lake. We jumped into his car, and drove over, and partied the rest of the night away.

-The Next Morning-

I woke up curled into Kol's chest. He was still asleep, so I took a moment to look at him. He looked so innocent, so peaceful, asleep. It was a nice sight. I smiled, then climbed out of bed, and went into the attached bathroom. I stripped, then took a nice warm shower. As I climbed out, I suddenly realized I had no other clothes to change into.

“Shit.” I murmured. I peeked out and saw Kol still passed out in bed.

“Double shit.”

I stood pondering my situation for a moment. I was not going to put my old, bloody, dirty clothes back on. Then I thought of Rebekah. We were the same size, and I doubted she would mind me borrowing anything, once I finally saw her. I would just run really fast and grab something and run back.

I ran down the hall, and got in her room. She wasn't in bed, so I didn't worry about being quiet. I was just about to leave, when I heard the one thing I had been hoping to avoid.

“Morning, love.” came that cocky British accent I knew so well.

I turned, and there stood Klaus smirking at me, looking me up and down. I remembered that I stood wrapped in a towel, with nothing else, and I must have blushed from head to toe.

“Damn it.” I murmured to myself, but of course he heard it. His smirk widened. That's when I noticed he didn't have a shirt on. My throat went dry as I took in his abs, and toned, muscular arms.

“Like what you see?” he asked, coming into the room. I swallowed, and shot him a weak glare.

“Actually, not especially.” I said with my chin up. He smirk just grew.

“So what are you doing, love?” he asked, coming closer.

I took a step back and cleared my throat.

“I took a shower and didn't have fresh clothes, so I cam to borrow some of Rebekahs'.” I said confidently. He just looked at me.

“I figured. I meant: why are you at my house?” he said.

“Oh. Me and Kol went partying, and then I spent the night.” I said. Was I mistaken when I saw some jealousy flash through those blue eye? I must be seeing things...

“Ah. And what kind of party did you and Kol go to?” he asked, still smirking. I glared.

“Well, we had a murder spree, then went clubbing.” I said. I saw a dozen emotions go through his eyes, but they ended on anger.

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