Part 61

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A/N; Short chapter that breaks my heart </3
Joslyn's POV

Tristan hasn't spoken to me about the Tiana situation this whole week. Instead of talking to me, he surrounded himself with work. He'd rather be stressed than say three simple words to me. I let out a sigh.

"I am sick of you sighing while I'm talking to you! If you don't want to be a marketer here anymore, you could easily quit." Natalia snaps.

Just as I'm about to apologize for the millionth time my phone rings. I don't recognize the number but it's an Ohio area code.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Now you're taking personality phone calls?!" Natalia complains. I ignore her.

"Hello this is Ohio North Regional Hospital, am I speaking with Joslyn Lozano?" a woman asks. My heart drops.
"This is she." I answer.
"Yes I'm here with Mr. Jayden Lozano. He's in critical condition from a drug overdose. This is the only family contact that was on the list."
"Will he make it?!"
"It's too early to tell. He is in critical condition but stable for now."
"I'll be there tomorrow, Friday the latest."
"Okay ma'am." she hangs up.

I don't give Natalia an explanation. I leave our office and knock on Tristan's office door.
"Come in." he calls.
I walk in and go straight to his desk.

"I need this whole week off." I tell him.
"What? Why?"
"Emergency. If you can't give it to me I'll have to quit."
"Joslyn what's wrong?"
"Will you give it to me or not?"
"You'll get paid leave."
"Thank you." I leave his office.

What could he have been doing to overdose? Why was he taking drugs anyway? Jayden is the adventurous type but I never saw him as the type to do drugs.
Everything in my life is going wrong again. It's like my life is on repeat.
I think about this the entire ride home.

I've been in Ohio for 3 days now. Jayden woke up today but hasn't said a word to anyone. He just stares up at the ceiling.

"Why Jayden? Why would you do something like this?" I ask desperately.
    "Isn't it obvious? I want to join mom."
"Jayden she wouldn't want that. She'd want–"
    "Well you know what?!" he coughs then continues. "She's not here. She left me just like dad and just like you did. She didn't give a damn about my feelings. As soon as she saw you, she left me. It's your fault but at the same time it's not." he starts sobbing. "Why does everyone leave me?! Why mom?!"

I cry with him. My poor little brother, he feels broken just like I do. Why didn't I see the pain in him earlier? Why?

    "Joslyn." he says.
"Yes?" I sniffle.
    "I'm going to try again."
"No Jayden! Please don't–"
      "Joslyn. This is the last time you'll see me. I am dead to you, okay? The money mom left me will cover the funeral. Please don't come. Don't mourn me. I want you to live your life, for the both of us."

"Jayden stop talking like that. Please don't do this Jayden. Not you too. I'm sorry! Just please, don't.."
     "I love you Joslyn." he says before closing his eyes.
"I love you too Jayden." I say through sobs.

I'm back home.
Nothing is the same. Everyone is gone.
I have no family left.
No mom, no dad, no brother.
I'm alone.

I go through my mail and see something that makes everything so much fucking worse.
A wedding invitation.
Tristan's wedding invitation.

I'm out of tears.
I'm already empty.
I truly have nothing left.

Something comes over me.

This feeling is familiar. I haven't felt it in years.
I smile at it, at this point I fucking welcome it.
I feel numb.
I don't feel anything.
I'm gone.


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