Part 30

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A/N; Long chapter, enjoy!
Joslyn's POV
Monday 18th

Usually, Mason is the one that talks to me at the cafe in the morning but this time Brooklyn is the one interrupting me.

"What do you mean you possibly could be going to Georgia this weekend? What about the fair?" Brooklyn complains.
    "Brooklyn the only person looking forward to that was you." I laugh. "And besides, I'm pretty sure I'm not really going. He was out of it when he invited me so."
"Oh please! He seems interested in you."
"You have no idea." I say.
"Nothing." I smile. "Anyway I've got work to do today. Classes end next week and they say finals won't be easy."
"What are you going to do after graduation?"

What am I going to do? I don't have an internship like Brooklyn or any experience.

"I don't know yet." I admit. "But what I do know is I have to study."
"Fine fine I get the hint." she winks then walks away. Just as I'm about to start up my computer and start studying Mason come out of nowhere.

"Good morning beautiful lady." he says.
"It was." I mumble.
"I'm hurt. How are you?" he chuckles.
"Good and you?"
"Great. No iced tea today?"
"Not in the mood." I put away my laptop and look at him.

"I kind of miss the brown hair." he says quietly.
"From the day I meet you? How about the eyes?"
"Not really, I like your brown eyes."
"How about the dress you ruined.."
"You're still on that?"
"You brought it up." I laugh and he joins me. He reaches out and touches my hair. "So soft."

"Thanks." I say while looking away. This doesn't feel right. Is it okay for him to be doing this while I'm with–
Am I even with Tris? I don't think so. So then why does this feel wrong?

"Um Mason.." I start.

"What are you doing?" Tristan says from the café front door. I don't turn to look at him but I do take my hair out of Mason's hand. He walks up towards us and takes a seat.
"Hey Tris." I say.

"What were doing?" he ignores me and ask Mason the same question.

"I'm sure you saw what I was doing. What's it to you?" Mason replies.

I still refuse to look at him but the camera flashes are making it hard. I cover my face and start packing my bag.
"Anyways, how about a date Joslyn?" Mason asks.

"Date?!" Tris and I say simultaneously.

"Doesn't have to be romantic. How about tonight?"
"Sorry I'm working tonight."
"After work."
"Oh I don't know-"
"We can go to that taco place we went to the first time. We can split a steak and fish taco again." he winks.
"Okay fine but only because I loved that steak taco." I agree. "But it's not s romantic dinner so don't get any ideas."

I start to get up and leave but Tris grabs my arm. For the first time today I look up at him. He has his head down and fist balled.
"You left something at my house the other night." he says. "Did you not want it?"
Mason sucks in a breath.

My face starts to heat up.
"Oh um.. do you have it with you?" I ask.
"No. I'll bring it to you later at your job. Text me the address." he gets up and walks away.

Wait, I don't have his number.

"Bye Mason." I quickly catch up to Tris before he can get any farther.

"Tris! Wait I don't even have your number." I say.
He doesn't respond, only extends his hand. I take out my phone, unlock it, then hand it to him. He puts in his number then gives it back to me.
"Thanks. Um.."
"What is he to you?"
"Just a friend."
"Don't trust him." he warns.
"What do you mean?"
"Let's go before they start taking pictures again."
We go to class and don't talk to each other for the rest of the morning.
I take out my phone and check the time.


I get off in 13 minutes yet Mason nor Tristan showed up. I texted him the address earlier. Was he not serious about bringing me the drawing? I go to the swimsuit section, the one section no one could find for some reason, and close my eyes. I'm so tired.
   I picked up another magazine on him during my break. It talks about the many women he brings home to sleep with. He never fucks the same woman twice. It's disgusting. Oh Tristan, who really are you? Just as I say this he shows up with a paper in his hand.

"Thanks." I say as I take the drawing from him. I don't know if I have a right to be mad at him but I am.
"What?" he asks.
"Nothing." I begin to walk away but he grabs my arm. "Let go."
"Not until you tell me what's wrong."

"Your habits."
"You fuck a new girl every night. Tristan that's disgusting!" I yell-whisper.
"Did your date tell you that?" he growls.
"He didn't have to. Tris I know you've been through a lot and living with your condition is hard but you don't have to live like that. There are other healthy alternatives." I fold the paper as I say this then put it in my pocket.

"You know nothing about me, absolutely nothing! Who are you to tell me what's best for me Joslyn?!" he yells.

"So all the girls you sleep with, you think that's healthy? I'm looking out for you, I can see right past this bullshit facade!"

"Then tell me" he begins to walk towards me until my back reaches the wall. "What do you see?"

"I see.."
He presses his forehead against mine while his hands stay balled up against the wall above me.
"Say it Joslyn..please."

"We shouldn't be in this have to-"

"Joslyn." he whispers. His voice is filled with something I can't quite place.

"Someone might see us." I whisper.

He lowers his head and places a gentle kiss on my lips but that soon becomes a hungrier, more demanding kiss that we've both needed. His arms wrap around my waist as he deepens the kiss.

But this isn't right.
This isn't the person I'm supposed to be going on a date with.
In fact, the person that is supposed to be going out with me is standing right in front of us.


Of fucking course.
Just perfect timing.
I turn my head away and sigh.

"So you're with him? Him? Of all fucking people! Don't tell me you're unaware of all the girls he sleeps with. He probably has–"

Tristan moves away from me and grabs Mason by the collar.
"Don't besmirch my character. I don't want to hear that from you. Why don't you tell her what you did?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Mason spits.
"You know exactly what I'm taking about. What you did with her friend."

Mason's eyes widen in surprise.
"She told you?"
"She didn't have to. I can read people exceptionally well." Tristan replies.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask.
They ignore me so I say it more assertively.
"What do you mean?"

"Tell. Her." Tristan growls.
"Fuck you. I don't have to listen to you."
"Very true. Joslyn are you listening?"
"What's going on? What do you know?" I ask.

"This asshole 'friend' of yours fucked your best friend. He fucked Brooklyn."

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