Part 46

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A/N; Do u guys mind that I change POVs like this? I love both Joslyn's & Tristan's . // Who's POV do you like most?
Tristan's POV

I need a distraction.
I've been working my ass off this past week, I fucking deserve it. Anyone clean enough will do.
A random blonde walks up to me at this club.

"Hey baby, looks like you need some company." she says. "Oh my god, you're the boy from the magazine. Uh.. Tristan! Damn, who knew I'd meet a celebrity here."
   "Crazy, huh?" I say. I look her up and down, she seems alright. It doesn't have to be long, just long enough to get off.
"Totally. So what's someone like you doing alone? You should have tons of girls on their knees.. doing you right." she winks.
     "How about you? You don't have a man pinning you on the wall, making you beg?"

Not her either, huh? What's wrong with me? Why aren't I getting hard to any of these women here? I envision myself pinning her to the wall as she talks more dirty words to me.
Still nothing.
I try again but this time I think of Joslyn. It wouldn't be the first time being in that position. Her body is perfection, her lips are delectable, and she taste heavenly. I want more of her. I want to taste her again. A small hand on my chest interrupts my thoughts.

"Oh so that gets you hard, huh? Well baby you're in luck. I can make all that come true." the blonde says.

Just fucking great. How am I supposed to stay my distance from her if she's the only one I can get hard to? Speaking of her, she invited me to her dorm tonight.

"I can be your mystery girl."
   "Listen–" I start.

"He already has his mystery girl and she'd kill both of your asses if she saw this little show going on." Danny says out of nowhere.

   "Where the fuck...?"

"Who the fuck do you think you are?! We're having a private moment and I don't think–" she says.
   "No he's right. I'd rather hang with her than take your offer. Nice meeting you." I don't wait for her respond, I just follow Danny to the bar.

"How the fuck did you know where I was?" I ask.
    "I tracked you. Hey Jace let me get a Hennessy."
    "You knew I wasn't an ordinary PA. How'd you think I handled all our situations with the club? But fuck that, you were really getting turned on by her?"
    "We're listening."

Danny crosses his arms waiting for a response and Jace does the same after getting Danny's drink.

"Heineken." I say. After Jace hands it to me and I drink, I explain. "I couldn't get hard to her or any fucking one for that matter."
    "Bullshit. Joslyn told me about Georgia."
"Just how fucking close are you two?" I growl.
"Like I was saying, I couldn't get hard to her without thinking of Joslyn. She's the only one that can get it up and it's fucking torturous."
     "So what are you doing here instead of her dorm right now?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
      "I had to get both of your asses first. Jace is getting off the clock now."

After a few minutes we all leave the overcrowded club and walk into the parking lot.

   "Tristan. Is she really yours?" Danny asks.
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
    "She's hot, don't you think?"

"Danny, what are you doing?" Jace asks.

   "Call her hot again and I'll–"
"Make a move Tristan or I'll claim her for myself." he has a serious face but I don't know if he's being deadass or trying to push me to her. He quickly changes it to a huge smile then touches my shoulder. "Meet you at her dorm."
"You guys are late." Joslyn says as she opens the door. As soon as I step in I pull her into my arms. She doesn't move. After a few seconds she wraps her arms around me. I hear her whisper a you're so confusing.
I don't understand it myself. I just had to feel you against me. Ever since Danny mentioned taking her from me I've felt ... I can't even describe it. Damn him. She lets go of me to hug Danny. He looks me directly in my eyes as she does this which pisses me off beyond understanding.
  "Why do you two smell like alcohol and sweat? Don't tell me you two were late because you went to a club." she says.
"Just had to handle some business shit, don't worry." Danny says as he rubs the top of her head playfully. She gives him a smile. I can't watch this anymore. I turn towards the counter and grab some wings.

"Where's your manners?" Ava chastises me. I hadn't noticed her. I scan the rest of the room and see Joslyn's girl friend, Mason, and Natalia.
    "Oh hey Natalia, you look nice." I compliment as I bite into the wing.

"Thank you boss. I do dress to impress. It's a little cramped in her."
   "It's a dorm room, not an apartment." Joslyn chimes in.
"Clearly. May I?"
   "Now that everyone's here, eat up. Drinks are over there."

She really can cook. Her wings are really good, I thought they were store bought. Everyone is eating with an alcoholic drink but her and her friend. I'll ask her about it later. My sister is on Jace's lap while Danny is on Joslyn's left and I'm on her right, next to Natalia.

  "Why not become a chef? It seems way better suited than that marketing dream of yours." Natalia says out of nowhere. Joslyn only smiles at this.

"You think so?"
"I could say the same about you and your fashion sense. You would have made a wonderful stylist.. for porn stars that is. Your choice of clothes are very revealing and perfect for that type of occasion."

A bunch of ooo's comes from the group. It's amusing to see these two go back and forth. They both seem to really get along.. while throwing insults at each other.

"This is the best." Danny laughs. "You do this after every exam?"
   "No only the big ones. And we don't do this per say... we usually get drunk beyond understanding."

"Like junior year. We both woke up naked and wrapped in each other arms. I swear we slept together that night!" Brooklyn says while laughing and everyone joins her.
   Thinking of that only turns me on. I'm hard again and it's all because of her. Joslyn, what have you done to me? You've ruined me and all I can do about it is try not to ruin you.

My little gattina.

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