Part 33 *

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A/N; Sexual part is only at the bottom (: next chapter most likely will have one too, just a warning // Also, are you guys interested in Brooklyn or Ava's date? I could write a chapter dedicated to both. Just comment & let me knw <3

I spent all day yesterday reading tips and the do's and don'ts of traveling. Every article said to dress as comfortably as possible and Tristan told me to bring sunglasses and some type of jacket because of paparazzi that'll be around him and Ava. Taking all that into account, I'm wearing an oversized grey hoodie and underneath is only a white tee just in case it gets hot with black leggings and grey converse. I didn't bother to flat iron my hair so I just stuck with a messy bun. 
   I'm bringing more than I need and stuffed them all into one carry on bag. I think I'm ready to go.

"I haven't seen you this excited since.. ever!" Brooklyn laughs.

"Leave me alone. I've never been on a plane." I say.
"Clearly. Are you ready?"

Brooklyn will drop me off at the airport and after that get ready for her date tonight. As I get into the car I check my pocket for the ticket.
It's there, I'm ready.
Throughout the whole car ride we blast music and sing along to whatever played on the radio. Half an hour later, we arrive.
  "Should I go down with you?" she asks.
"No no, you've got to get ready! I'll be fine. I'll see you on Sunday, okay?"
"Alright. Have fun Joslyn."
"You too."

I get my bag from the back seat and put my shades on. I walk into the large building and go to the front desk. She directs me to where I need to go. As I walk in the direction she points to, I see men and women with cameras taking pictures at someone. Yup, I'm definitely going in the right direction. Before I walk up to them I put my hoodie up.

"Tristan can you tell us where you're going? Who's that mystery girl, will she be going with you this evening?"
"Ava you look beautiful. Look this way! Anyone you're interested in? Any information on the club you're opening here in Rhode Island?"

When I go up to Tris and Ava, the paparazzi's  voices get louder and the flashes faster and somehow brighter. It's quite irritating to say the least.
"You made it. Come on, let's go anywhere but here." Ava says. Tristan and I haven't spoken since our text Monday night but he does take the bag from my hand.
"Thanks." I say. I follow Ava but the paparazzi follow close behind. "Maybe you should hire security or something."
  "A man hovering over me 24/7? No thank you. Jace and my brother is enough. Don't worry. He won't let any guy lay a finger on you, isn't that right Tristan?"
  He makes a sound then continues walking.

"Are you hungry?" she asks me.
"Not really."
"Okay we'll eat when we get to Georgia then. Are you excited?"
"Very. So what do we do for the next hour?"
"We wait. Better to be early than late."

For an hour we buy snacks and stuff them into my carry on bag and talk. Tristan just holds my bag in silence as he stands close to us. He really is looking out for his sister. He never lets anyone come too close to her and will try and stand in front of the cameras to block her from the pictures. Tris is a nice person too.
"They're boarding first class now, let's go." he talks for the first time this evening.

We give them our tickets and board the plane. I look around in awe at the size of it all. They must find me weird right now for gawking but this is amazing! We find our seats (towards the left side) and Tristan lets me have the window seat and Ava takes the edge. She puts my carry on bag in the appropriate spot then sits down.
"Will you be able to handle it?" Tris asks.
"Huh? Why wouldn't I?"
"This will be a two and half hour flight. Most likely more."
"I'm excited for it, hopefully it doesn't die down." I say.

The captain's voice projects throughout the plane. My nerves suddenly skyrockets out of nowhere. It's about to take off. I fasten my seatbelt then look out the window. The plane begins to drive then gradually flies up.
"It's just like that roller coaster feeling." I say with a smile. Tris and Ava are looking at me with grins.

"Look Tristan there's poker on this thing. Joslyn do you want to play?" Ava asks as she uses the airplane games.
I stiffen for a second then answer.
"No but thanks. I'll just enjoy the flight." I say.

After about an hour or so Ava falls asleep and the excitement's gone down. I take off the large grey hoodie and put it on my lap. Now it's starting to feel like a long drive. I exhale deeply while closing my eyes.
"Are you okay?" Tris asks.
"Tell me what you're thinking. What're you feeling? I need to know piccola."

"I'm thinking you need a new nickname for me, I'm not a little one." I respond.
He chuckles at this.
"I'm also thinking how this is starting feeling like a car ride but also how grateful I am for being invited on this trip. Thank you Tris. I feel.. special? Sorry, I don't have another word right now besides special and happy."
He looks away then wraps an arm around me. He inhales a breath.

"You're not wearing a bra?" he asks.
"Oh well.. I read that you should be comfortable on a flight so..."

"Fuck me.. I'm already breaking rule one goddammit." he mumbles.

"Nothing. Sleep. It'll pass time."
"But I want to see Georgia from the skies before we land. Although it's going to be dark I'll still see the lights, right?"
"Yeah. I'll wake you when we're there."
"Yeah now sleep."
And I sleep.
A light shake wakes me up from my nap. I open my eyes to Tris looking down at me. He points to the window with his finger and I look over.
It just looks like white dots for right now. But as I keep looking, I see it and it's beautiful. The view is gorgeous.
"Did you bring gum?" he asks. I nod. "Good, we'll be arriving soon and your ears might pop so just chew that to help."

His fingers graze my nipple as he adjusts his sitting position. It was a small sensation but I liked it.
"Do it again." I whisper.
"N-nothing." I stutter.
He moves his hand over my nipple again and gently starts making circular motions. I close my eyes and enjoy it.
"Keep your eyes open or you'll miss the view." he says. I open them immediately. "Brava ragazza."
He pinches the left one causing me to let out a moan.

"Shh, do you want Ava to hear?" he asks. I shake my head no and he pinches the other nipple. He takes one in between his fingers and rolls them. I press my lips together to keep from making a sound but he just uses the opportunity to pull on it.
"You asshole." I say with a small moan.
"Fine I'll stop." he lets go of me. I'm tempted to ask him to keep going and don't stop but the memory of Monday hits me. A new girl every night. I nod and keep looking out the window. Tris wakes Ava up and we all put the gum in our mouths and start chewing as the plane comes down.

"So how was your first plane ride?" Ava asks me.
"Unforgettable." I respond while looking at Tris.

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