My Mate is Married - Chapter 24

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Seneca's POV

That's what I felt run through my body as these two teeny tiny arms wrapped around me in an embrace.
There was so much love and emotion in this one hug that for a moment I forgot about everything.

All the hurt, all the sadness, the betrayal, the danger.
The Danger!

I almost forgot that Ace was trailing just behind me in his wolf form.

I sprang to my feet and continued holding on to my sweet Maybelle. I spun my head around as I ran up the porch steps. I stared at the forest for only a second and luckily didn't see any sign of Ace.

"We have to get inside I think I'm being chased by wolves" I said in Miles direction.

I felt him place his arms on me and May as he lead us inside. For a second I felt safe with him. I almost felt my loving husband was back.

Once through the door, all the memories from a few nights ago came flooding back and I shrugged away his hand from my shoulder.

I turned around still holding May tight against me and watched as Miles locked the door tight.

That's when I heard it. A long, loud wolf howl.
I knew it was Ace and it felt as though the sound went straight to my heart and broke it in two.

I could feel the pain in his cry and it made tears spring to my eyes. May looked up at me and stared.

"Mommy, don't cry. Daddy was crying and now you are too." She said with her signature pouty face.

I hugged her close one more time before setting her down and wiping my tears. I knew Ace was outside but I knew he wouldn't risk being exposed out in the open right now.

"Seneca where have you been ? And what are you wearing?" Miles said in the type of voice you use when speaking to a small child.

He edged towards me and placed his hands on both of my shoulders. Staring straight into my eyes "I'm so sorry Seneca, please believe that. We were so worried."

I wasn't really sure how to respond at this point. Do I just come out and say- well I was kidnapped by a werewolf that claims were meant to be together forever. Yeah that will land me straight in the looney bin.

"We were just worried because we didn't think you would willingly leave May for that long."

"I didn't leave willingly! I was kidnapped!"
Oops let that one slip right out.

"What ! By who!? How did you get away?!"

I started to speak but nothing came out. My heart just couldn't let me tell them that it was Ace. I couldn't help but worry about him. That he would get I trouble, go to jail, or even be exposed as a werewolf. And even though I was so hurt by him - I just made up my own version of the story.

"I'm not sure who kidnapped me. I was running down the street that night. ...."
I paused and looked straight at Miles- and I could see the regret and sadness in his eyes. Good.

I continued on "then someone grabbed me from behind and put a cloth over my face and everything went black."

My mother had entered the living room at this point and let out a loud gasp at what I had said. Her face turning pale as Miles helped her to the sofa.

"When I woke up I was blindfolded and a man had me tied up in a house...."

I was interrupted by my husband, "did he, he touch you, or......"
I could tell that he was worried about me, or that someone slept with his wife.

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