My Mate is Married - Chapter 21

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(Warning- very short update!)

Seneca POV

I stepped out of the house and into the cool night air. Goosebumps formed on my arms and a chill ran down my back, as I realized I was still in my night dress.

Not the most ideal outfit to travel through the woods at night, but better than going back into that house again.

I looked up and saw the tree line ahead of me. The forest looked like a dark and scary scene from a horror movie but now was not the time to worry I had to get out of here.

I mean, I can't believe what I just heard.

Ace set me up to find Miles cheating. Maybe all of this is just a lie. What if Ace really is just a psycho kidnapper that tricked me into believing all of this.

I ran faster, my bare feet hurting against all of the small debris on the forest floor. Once past the tree line I just started running straight ahead. Eventually, I'll have to make it to somewhere to get help.

So many things are running through my head right now. I can't believe I was actually starting to fall for him. I opened up to him, trusted him, told him all of my darkest secrets.

And I let him touch me ... I started to feel nauseated just thinking about someone using me like that.

I had to stop for a minute and catch my breath.
Leaning against a tree for a moment, I thought about watching Ace transform from a dog to a human.

I laughed out loud, it was a magic trick - of course - how could I have been so stupid?!

There's no way Ace is a werewolf - cue loud wolf howl in the distance 😬

Or ...... maybe he is - and with that I took off in a full
On sprint.



"Wait, Derek did you hear that ?" I whispered

"Yes, sounded like the front door."

We both stared in the direction of the foyer, quietly listening for any sign of an intruder. You can't be too careful with rogues, especially after the problems tonight.

"There's no noise- let's check it out."

We both moved stealthily toward the front door, checking around for any sign of anyone. And that's when it hit me- Seneca's scent was everywhere.

I growled out, as i ran up the stairs to the bedroom. She was gone. Even her shoes were still laying on the floor.

I ran back down stairs at werewolf speed. Derek was already out the front door sniffing around.

"Rogues must have gotten her !" I growled out again.
I was about to shift when Derek stopped me.

"I don't think so alpha, there is no other scent here."

"There's no way she would have left me, not after everything today!"

"What if she heard us talking Ace ?"

I stood staring at him, dumbfounded. She heard us. Oh god, my mate heard us say that we set her up.

She has to be thinking how horrible I am. I made her run off into the dark woods where any rogue would love to get their hands on her.

"We have to find her - NOW!" I yelled almost desperately, knowing my mate was in danger.

I immediately let my body take over and shifted as I sprinted towards the woods.

"Mind link the pack warriors, tell them their Luna is out in the woods and needs their protection- under no circumstances though should they touch her!"

I could see Derek nod his head as he came running to match my pace.

Just as we reached the tree line, I let out a loud howl.
"I'm coming for you, Mate."

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