My Mate is Married -Chapter 12

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Ace comforting Seneca ⬆️

Seneca POV

I laid against Ace and continued to sob into his chest as he held me tight. As much as I didn't want to let him hold me this close —I desperately needed the comfort at this moment and unfortunately he was the only one available to give it.

To be fair to Ace it wasn't exactly him that made me cry. I wasn't afraid of going further with him.

Honestly at that moment I wanted nothing more than to continue with what we were doing. (I know, I know the Stockholm syndrome is obviously pretty bad !)

I was so caught up in the moment with him that I forgot that this was meant to be pretend. That I wasn't meant to actually feel the things he made me - -oh so feel.

But still when he went to lift my shirt up an emotion hit me that hadn't in a very long time. I felt embarrassed and ashamed of my body.

It had been so long since I had to show someone other than Miles. He had seen all the scars that were hidden under my shirt years ago.

And when he questioned about them I told him I didn't want to talk about it - and even after all these years he has never pressured again for me to talk about it.

They weren't absolutely horrible scars and it wasn't the way that they looked that I was so ashamed of. I was afraid that if someone knew how much my dad didn't want me as a child .... that maybe they would doubt my worth as a person too.

So, when Ace reached for the hem of my shirt ......I just felt so desperate to keep from anyone seeing me in such a vulnerable way.

Even though I shouldn't care what he thinks of me - for some reason everything in me is telling me otherwise.

And it's definitely a shame — because the way Ace was making me feel. The passion I felt from him during that one make out session was more than I had felt during my entire marriage to Miles.

And I don't know if that made me a bad person or not. I mean come on I was kissing my KIDNAPPER for goodness sakes.

Maybe it was the adrenaline coursing through me or the fear of the situation. I've heard that those things can make people much more aroused but I've yet to experience anything like that in my life.

Ugh ..... all these emotions....all these questions floating through my head only made the comfort that I needed right now increase as I continued to sob against Ace's chest.

I snuggled into his touch and allowed him to
Continue to run his fingers through my hair and whisper calming words into my ear to try to help me relax.

Just before I fell asleep I thought about Maybelle and prayed she didn't think that I had left her on purpose.


I so badly wanted to mind link in on my mates emotions right at this moment. I just really want
to know why she was crying so hard still.

It didn't seem like it could just be because our little session almost got a little out of hand.

But I was honestly scared to see what she was thinking about. I know she's still scared of me - I mean I kidnapped her and kept her here against her will.

And even more than that I was scared to see if she was thinking about her piece of sh*t husband. Maybe she was crying because she missed him or felt bad for "cheating" on him.

Whatever the reason - I was worried that if I linked in at this moment and saw something I didn't like that my wolf would take over and scare Seneca even more than I have over the last few days.

And honestly I was really enjoying my mate in my arms and her seeking out comfort from me.

So I just held onto her tight and continued to reassure her that everything would be alright.

Eventually she wore herself out with her cries and she snuggled into me and fell asleep. I decided to reposition us onto the bed so that she was laying on her side and I was spooning her with my arm draped over her.

I let myself enjoy this moment snuggled against my mate. My life had not been the easiest one and I felt that I deserved a little bit of enjoyment for once.

I hadn't been able to enjoy my life for quite some time now. My parents were murdered during war when I was only 16 years old and that is when I had to assume the role as Alpha of this pack.

I had to become an authority figure to nearly 400 pack members - with no time left to really mourn the loss of my parents- my only blood family that I had left.

Having to become serious at such a young age was difficult and with no family for support it made it even harder. My father's beta Leo helped prepare myself and his son Derek as we moved into our new roles in the pack.

I was driven by anger and revenge about my parents and worked hard to create a strong pack that knew they could count on me to protect them.

This made me a little rough around the edges and not the best people person at times. That's why I chose to live with very few people and farther away from the pack house than most alphas.

That's also why I couldn't wait to find my Luna. My mate. My one true love. My new family.

But I guess that wasn't allowed to be an easy task for me either.....

I know the moon goddess has a plan for all of us to find our mates but I don't think she planned for Seneca to already be married.

Maybe somehow someone in her life messed with fate or destiny in some way?

As if hearing my thoughts my mate started whimpering in her sleep again.

"No please..... please don't hurt her !" She cried out.

I didn't have to look into her dreams to know what she was thinking about. She was thinking about me and what a monster she thinks that I am.

I tried to rub her back to soothe her as she started to rock back and forth in a panic. As soon as she felt my touch though she shot up staring at me with her eyes wide.

"Get....get away from me ......please" she stammered out as she crawled backwards on the mattress away from me.

"Calm down Seneca..... I'm not going to hurt you remember" I said as I put my hands up in a surrender

Still she continued to crawl until she fell right off the bed. I hurried around to try to help her back up but before I could get there she jumped up and ran right for a door in the bedroom.

I know she thought it was an escape but really it was just the bathroom so I let her go thinking maybe some alone time could do her some good.

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