Chapter Twenty-Five

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Groaning, I sat up, grabbing the side of my head as pain seared through it and the room spun.  Jonathan sat in the chair beside me, no doubt watching me with a twisted smirk on his face.

"Ugh, you seriously should've warned me."  I complained, glaring at him.

He chuckled, mockingly asking, "Feeling alright, Doctor Brown?"

"I'm fine," I sarcastically answered, getting to my feet and leaning against the pillar so I wouldn't fall, "I just need a moment until everything stops moving."

"You may need more than a moment," he leaned forward, "This toxin is stronger than any of the others you've faced before.  Tell me, are you afraid."

I smirked, "No, just dizzy.  I think you need to rethink your formula."

"Does he?" I heard my own voice ask as a fake me walked out from behind me, going to stand just behind Jonathan, "I think this toxin's my favorite."

I stared at the other me, my brows drawing together in confusion, ignoring Jonathan as he leaned back in his chair to study me.  She seemed real, but I knew she couldn't be.  I wasn't dreaming either, but it was all I could think of to make her being in the real world make sense.

"You're not dreaming, Sarah," figment me laughed, "this is real.  Well...I mean, I'm not real, but he is." She placed a hand on Jonathan's shoulder, not breaking eye contact with me.

I tore my eyes from her, turning them to Jonathan as I debated telling him I was hallucinating.  He would be ecstatic to know I was hallucinating while completely aware of reality, but I wasn't sure if I could answer the questions that would come along with the truth.  Instead, I just sat there, eventually looking away from him as well when I realized we had been staring at each other for awhile.

"You look like you have something to say, so why not say it?" He asked, reading my behavior.  It occured to me he probably already knew how this batch of fear toxin worked, tested already on a henchman or just some random citizen.

Figment me laughed, leaning against the pillar to watch the show.

I scowled at her and answered, deciding to be honest since he could clearly tell anyway, "Well, I'm seeing myself; she's right by the column.  She was also in my....nightmare?" I found myself questioning the situation I was in, wondering why I didn't decide to live somewhere more normal.

Maybe other cities had flying aliens, strange Gods, or even a talking psychic gorilla, but they didn't have the same kind of crazy Gotham had.  I even could've lost contact with my mother and lived a life completely my own.  Hell, I could've skipped having a job and settled down to start a family if I had really wanted.

"I see," he leaned forward and I could could see the glimmer in his eyes, "Describe her."

I frowned in thought, studying her, "Well, she looks like me, sounds like me....  What else am I supposed to say?"

"What does she want?  Why are you seeing her?  Are you afraid of yourself?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "No.  I don't know.  In my nightmare she said something about being weak and angry?"  Figment me laughed and shook her head as I tried recalling what she had told me in my nightmare, "Something along the lines of, 'I need to do something about it?'"

He leaned back in the chair, not responding.  After a few moments, I tried standing, feeling nauseous as the world spun again.

Sorry about the late update everyone!  I haven't had much time to write.  I'm thinking that I may have to try for two chapters a month instead of four.

Then when I have more time, I may be able to resume updating weekly.  >:]

Thank you all for reading and for being patient with me!  I appreciate you all!!!  <3 <3

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