Chapter Four

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"Come on, please," Jasmine begged me for the thousandth time, messing me up for the millionth time, "I promise I'll be good."

"What are you?  A kid?"  I snapped at her, deleting the sentence I had been working on for the past thirty minutes.

"Maybe," Jasmine drummed her fingers absentmindedly on my desk.

I sighed, burying my face in my hands, "I'm not taking you to talk to any patients.  You could set one of them off."

"You're no fun, Sarah.  I've already signed in with the receptionist saying I'd be visiting Scarecrow as well.  You've got to let me-"

"I don't have to let you do anything!"  I snapped again, dropping my hands onto the desk and glaring at her.

She attempted to give me puppy eyes, "Please?  I had to fill out a bunch of paperwork.  The receptionist did a background check on me.  Don't let all that time go to waste."

"It's your own fault for coming here without consulting me first!"

"Since when are you my mother?"  Jasmine put a hand on her hip, raising an eyebrow at me, "Or are you the owner of this place?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but the door swung open.  A guard stood alert in the doorway, his eyes sweeping from me to Jasmine.  Jasmine stood up, no longer sitting on my desk as she smiled innocently.

"Is somethin' wrong here?"  The guard asked, not directing his question to either one of us.

Jasmine shook her head, "Not at all, I'm just here to visit a couple friends."

The guard looked skeptical, reaching for the door handle, "Of course, if any problems arise, just give me a shout.  I'm just down the hall for a bit."

Before he could close the door, Jasmine grabbed it, flashing me a quick devious smile, "Oh, there's one thing you could do for me.  One of my friends is Jonathan..."

She trailed off, only knowing his first name, and I found myself supplying her the name against my better judgement, "Jonathan Crane."

The guard looked lost for a moment until the name dawned on him, "Scarecrow?"

Jasmine smiled, "That's the one! Unfortunately though, I don't know where to find him."

"I could bring him to a secure room where you two can visit," the guard offered, "You'll only have as long as his doctor says to visit though."

Jasmine nodded, stepping out of the room to follow the guard. Sighing, I got up from my desk, following the two to a room much like the evaluation room.  Jasmine sat in a chair, smirking to herself as the guard left to retrieve Jonathan.

I stood, impatiently watching the clock until the door opened again and Jonathan was led in by some guards.  He smiled at me first, immediately studying Jasmine who couldn't contain the grin that was creeping up onto her face.  Jonathan was cuffed to the table by one of the guards before he left to stand by the door.

Jonathan smiled at Jasmine, leaning forward, "Hello, my name is Jonathan.  What brings you to visit me?"

"I was curious," Jasmine replied, unfazed by Jonathan in anyway, "I've heard a lot about you in the short time Sarah has known you.  I'm Jasmine by the way."

I scowled at her, wishing she would just stay quiet.  If she spoke too much about what I told her, the guards could report me and I would lose my job.

"All good things, I hope," he laughed and shot me a smirk, "right, Doctor?"

Jasmine opened her mouth and garbage came out, "Not really, you irritate her more than anyone else. All she did yesterday was complain about how uncooperative you are."

"I could say the same of her. She doesn't seem too fond of your being here," Jonathan leaned back in his chair.

"Of course not. I'm her friend and you're her patient. Just imagine the catastrophe we could cause," she smiled sweetly at me, "But she couldn't say no to me!"

I frowned, glancing at the clock on the wall, "Okay, you two have met, you've visited, it's time for us to leave."

"Don't be such a party pooper!  We're just talking!"

"Jasmine," I scowled at her, "I'm the doctor here. And the patients are going to have to go to dinner in a little bit. We shouldn't keep Jonathan here any longer."

She stuck her tongue out at me as she stood up from her chair, "Alright, alright. It was nice meeting you. I'll have to come by and visit again sometime."

"If the doctor will allow it," Jonathan smirked at me.

I ignored him, motioning for Jasmine to hurry. She smiled and nodded at him, walking towards me. I practically dragged her out of the room, down the hallways, and outside. Only then did I let go of her, walking to my own car.

Jasmine kept up behind me, "You're not mad are you?"

"No," I sighed and turned to face her, "but I'm never telling you about work ever again."

She smiled and rolled her eyes, "Right.... I'll see you later then!"

I watched as she jogged to her car before I got into mine, starting it as I let the tension in my shoulders dissipate, hoping this incident wouldn't come back to haunt me in some way.

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