Chapter 26 : Fearful

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At first everything is dark. No colors, no shapes, no tinny details to focus on. Just me and my wild thoughts that shoot those my head in rapid fire. My eyes are open but black spots cloud my vision so that it is almost nonexistent. Little pin pricks cover my skin, but they don't cause me pain. More or less its just my bodies reaction to the rearranging of all my bones, adjusting to the obvious change in forms. But it hasn't happened to me since my very first shift, when I was unprepared and afraid for my life.

I start to regain feeling in my legs, all four of them shake with adrenaline. Shifting always leaves behind a wave of energy that gives our bodies the power to transition in and out of forms without feeling exhausted right away. That usually came a few hours later leaving you drained, probably passed out on a couch.

Scents start to bombard my sensitive nose. Like normal the smell of pine envelops me but the faint trace of blood makes my nose twitch in agitation. It's close enough to be Blues blood.


A raging growl escapes my mouth as I blink my eyes hoping for some of my vision to return and give me the ability to actually find Blue and protect him. Slowly a shape focuses. First a towering tree, then another, then the dark ground, a lonely star peaking through the sky. I look around, swinging my wolves head in the dark evening light. The men who took blue have disappeared from sight but they cant be far. The smell of fresh blood is strong. In the distance I can make out the faint snap of a tree branch echoing through the forest.

Carefully I test out my limbs. Paw the ground, swish my tail, shake my fur out. Everything feels normal, almost too good to be true when you consider the fact that I'm running on all of my human instincts at the moment. A small feeling of disappointment floats through my mind. No wolf present. It's true then. I'm virtually alone now. She has left me for good. None of her voice in my head to make me laugh or yell or......The need to howl in sadness tugs at me but that would give away my plan and position. I need the element of surprise the be on my side.

I take a deep breath and then race off into the looming darkness that holds uncertainty. The need to protect my friend, if you'd like to call him that, is what makes my legs move faster. Every bounding leap I dig the pads of my paws into the ground and push with all my might. The air rushes over my face and slides down my body as I propel myself forward.

I allow my legs to follow my nose, all my thoughts are focused on running as fast as I can.

Up ahead I can hear the mutter of grumbling men. I recognize one of the voices.

"Ren won't like that we let that slut go. He doesn't like loose ends." Derik says quietly to someone near him. His voice indicates that he has to be careful who hears, probably wanting to steer clear of the groups leader.

I slow down to a trot as I crouch low in the darkness as I near the unpleasant man, Derik, and another equally gag worthy male with caramel skin that has scars carved into it.

"Ren won't like that it took us this long to start with." The other man says to Derik in a hushed tone.

My heart thunders at the name of Ren. I force myself to stay calm, stay here in the moment instead of letting my mind drift off into my past memories. The ones where I was doubled over screaming, tears sliding down my cheeks washing away days of dirt and grime. Memories of pain so intense I thought it might drive me to the edge of insanity. But in the end I had survived and now I wanted to live. Live a life free from the torturous man that caused years of hell. It would be so easy just to run away into the distance, forget the fact that I have a mate, that I have friends, that I have people that care about me as much as I care for them. But I can't and I never will be able to erase all that from my mind.

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