Chapter 5 : Found

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The first thing I notice when I regain consciousness is that I am floating. Well, if you want to get technical, I'm being carried. By whom I do not know, but I hope it is not a member of Rens pack that illegally crosses the Maine pack border to retrieve me. I would sooner die than return.

I slowly squint open my puffy eyelids to look around. At first glance, I see a bulky man with a chiseled jaw covered in stubble who is holding my fragile body bridal style. He is looking straight forward as we walk through the woods, so I don't think he has seen that I'm awake.

'He is a werewolf' my wolf informs me in an irritated voice.

Of course, he is. I need to pull myself together, haul ass out of the country to some tiny island in the Caribbean where I can live the rest of my pathetic life in peace. Of course, that would all happen after I regain my strength and give Ren a piece of mind.

I let my body become limp in the man's arms as I roll out of his grasp. That's when I realize that I'm naked except for an oversized black teeshirt that I can only assume belongs to the middle-aged man in front of me.

I land on the ground with a thump and I quickly spring to my feet to avoid an oncoming attack. This man could be my greatest nightmare and I won't allow my guard to go down even though I'm still quite tired.

" Easy, easy!" The man says with a startled voice.

My wolf takes over and a snarl escapes my mouth. To any normal person, I probably sound like a rabid animal. Thankfully it seems that this man is aware of my werewolf status.

"I'm not going to hurt you but if you run others will hunt you down." He says calmly while holding his hands up in a peace offering.

I study him cautiously. He has dark black hair that is shaggy with some stray curls here and there. His bright blue eyes expressed truth in his words. I know that I can't trust him completely but if I can get him to let me go on my way in peace that would be ideal.

" My name is Onalee," I say slowly as I try to calm my agitated wolf. All she wants me to do is run until I reach the end of the world. Sadly, I know running won't get me anywhere in this situation.

My rescuer looks me over and grimaces at my state of bruises and scars. I try to hide them but it's no use, they are everywhere.

"Where did you come from Onalee? If I may ask that is." He says curiously

I look down, deciding on whether or not I should tell him the truth or lie. I decide on neither.

"I was being held by an anonymous pack and I escaped. I had to get away so I ran across the nearest border which just so happens to be your pack. You belong to the Blood Water Maine Pack right?" I reply confidently

"Yes. I am actually the beta. My name is Jonathan." He informs me with a hint of pride. I, however, am in a deep hole of shit. Getting the beta of a pack to let me roam free would be much harder than another ordinary wolf. At least if it was a lower-ranking wolf I could try and convince them to let me go out of the goodness in their heart. After all, it was illegal for any wolf to step foot on another alphas territory without a direct invitation.

A beta would feel more loyal to their alpha and would not let me go no matter what because it was their duty to serve the alpha. They couldn't disappoint. But it was worth a try.

"I really don't want to inconvenience your pack and everything, so here's the deal. You let me go, and I won't utter a word of our encounter. Plus I'm just passing through until I make it to the rouge territory. You won't ever see me again." I plead with him

Jonathan's expression immediately turns stony and a frown pulls at his lips.

"You know I can't do that. My alpha has already sensed your presence and has ordered me to retrieve you for further questioning. Do not try and guilt me into letting you go and certainly don't say things like that around the alpha. He will not tolerate speaking in such a manner." The man says icily as he grabs my arm and roughly yanks me in the direction of his packs headquarters. So much for the nice guy act.

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