Chapter 24 : Blue

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You know the feeling where your breath gets caught in your lungs. It's hard to force yourself to breath again, fighting for your next gasp of air. You know the feeling where your heart seems to pause in your chest as absolute terror floods you. The moment before your world spirals into chaos. The eye of a hurricane that is moving right over you.

Dread builds up inside of me, raging into a fire so big it might consume me. I feel like I'm floating outside of my body. Nothing can keep me from retreating into my mind. All sense of my surroundings dissipates like dew in the hot midday sun.

I was supposed to be stronger then this. I was supposed to be above the fear that came when Ren was around. I was supposed to be immune to the terror he tended to inflict on his victims. But I was not. I wasn't the invincible being that I wished I was.

I squeeze my eyes shut attempting to block out the flood of memories that shoot through my head. The sounds of screams. My screams. The sound of whips hitting flesh. My flesh. The feeling of being broken down to pieces for another's enjoyment. There wasn't a way not to tremble at the idea of falling into Rens grasp again. This time, however, it would be much worse.

I hold my hands over my ears as a scream pierces my dark solitude. It only grows louder. It's painful, full of terror.

Stop it. Stop that noise.

I can't seem to think straight. My head is jumbled up, speeding a mile a minute, an overloaded flash drive. Ren. Ren. Ren.

Why can't he leave my life for good? Why does he not see that I am not his toy anymore?

My vision is dark but I feel myself slowly sink to my knees. I'm kneeling on the ground hyperventilating. My body is acting on its own accord, shutting down without my consent.



How can I allow myself to so easily fall apart with just the slightest reminder of a sadistic monster. No.

As I bring myself back to reality I realize that the fearful screams are coming from my mouth. I quickly stop the sounds and gasp for air instead.

Slowly I peel my eyes open. My vision is bombarded with dark greens and a faded sky. A face focuses in front of me. It's the worried face of my mate. Rhys is crouched I front of me, both of his rough hands are clasped around my trembling arms.

I raise my eyes and find his face. The raw emotion that is present is enough to make me shiver for a whole different reason. Not now, I tell myself as I struggle to shrug off the hold that Rhys has on my mind.

"Ali, what's going on?" His voice is like dumping ice water down my back.

I'm awoken from my trance. Despite how terrified I am to face Ren, Blue is in trouble. He helped me when I needed it the most.

"We need to find him. Now!" I say with urgency as I stand up and haul Rhys up with me.

Despite my dislike of asking Rhys for help, he is the alpha around here and if anyone can scourge together a search party it's him.

"Ali what are you talking about?" He asks, looking down at me as if I just hit my head hard.

"I know that wolf. He is in trouble. You need to tell your patrols not to kill him!" I say again as I start to jog through the trees in the direction of Blues howls.

Rhys runs up next to me and grabs my hand, halting my movement.

"You just had some sort of episode back there, Ali. This is hardly the time to stop play savior!"Rhys asks concerned.

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